
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ce1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to give a ride
    (Cant.) ngo5seon6lou6ce1nei5heoi3daai6bou3aa1
    (Eng.) Let me give you a lift to Tai Po. It's on my way.
    (Cant.) zan1hai6ho2ji5ce1maai4ngo5
    (Eng.) Really? You can give me a lift?

  • to sew (with a sewing machine)
    (Cant.) nei5sik1m4sik1dak1ce1saam1gaa3
    (Eng.) Do you know how to use a sewing machine?
    (Cant.) ce1faan1hou2gin6saam1sin1
    (Eng.) Let me sew this shirt.

  • to hit; to crash
    (Cant.) jat1kyun4ce1maai4keoi5faai3min6dou6
    (Eng.) Someone punched him right in the face.
    (Cant.) go2gaa3Benzben1 si2sat1hung3cung1soeng5hang4jan4lou6ce1dou2tou4jan4
    (Eng.) That Benz, losing its control, mounted the pavement and hit the pedestrians.

  • to bullshit
    (Cant.) tiu1nei5teng1keoi5lyun2gam3ce1laa1gan1bun2sap6geoi3dou1m4zi1jau5mou5jat1geoi3zan1
    (Eng.) Don't listen to his nonsense! Who knows if anything he says is true!

See also: 縫 聯 縫合 發噏瘋 隨口噏 老吹 放屁 狗噏 撞車 冧市 墜機
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: ce1
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • wheeled vehicles
    (Cant.) 火車fo2 ce1
    (Eng.) train
    (Cant.) 電車din6 ce1
    (Eng.) tram
    (Cant.) 馬車maa5 ce1
    (Eng.) horse-drawn carriage
    (Cant.) 單車daan1 ce1
    (Eng.) bicycle
    (Cant.) 人力車jan4 lik6 ce1
    (Eng.) pulled rickshaw
    (Cant.) 手推車sau2 teoi1 ce1
    (Eng.) trolley

  • machine with rotary components
    (Cant.) 衣車ji1 ce1
    (Eng.) sewing machine
    (Cant.) 風車fung1 ce1
    (Eng.) windmill
    (Cant.) 水車seoi2 ce1
    (Eng.) water wheel

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Entry #3
Pronunciation: ce1
Part of Speech: noun
  • car; automobile (measure word: 架 / 部)
    (Cant.) keoi5maai5zo2gaa3ce1
    (Eng.) He's bought a car.

  • land vehicles in general (measure word: 架 / 班)
    (Cant.) nei5nam2zyu6daap3me1ce1faan1heoi3
    (Eng.) What means of transportation are you thinking of taking to get back?

  • driving skill (measure word: 手)
    (Cant.) keoi5手車sau2 ce1hou2laat6
    (Eng.) His driving skill kills.

See also: 老爺車 車輛 46 砵砵車 K car 汽車
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Entry #4
Pronunciation: geoi1
Part of Speech: noun
car; vehicle; 'Chariot' in Chinese chess (measure word: 隻)
(Cant.) 車馬費geoi1 maa5 fai3
(Eng.) fee for traffic (especially the compensation for someone who has done you favour)
(Cant.) 食人隻車sik6 jan4 zek3 geoi1
(Eng.) to exploit or expropriate the belongings of others; literally: to have eaten someone's cart
(Cant.) 棄車保帥hei3 geoi1 bou2 seoi3
(Eng.) to sacrifice the chariot in order to save the general (in Chinese Chess)
(Cant.) 閉門造車bai3 mun4 zou6 geoi1
(Cant.) 前車可鑑cin4 geoi1 ho2 gaam3
(Cant.) 擺明車馬baai2 ming4 geoi1 maa5
(Eng.) to act in an overt manner
(Cant.) soeng2zuk1kei2sin1m4gin3zo2zek3geoi1
(Eng.) I want to play Chinese chess, but the "chariot" piece is missing!
See also: 老爺車 車輛 46 砵砵車 汽車
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #5
Pronunciation: ce1
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
a surname, usually transliterated as "Che"
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License