
Entry #1
Pronunciation: seoi2 ce1
Character Meaning:
water; soup; beverage; liquids in general; body of water
car; wheeled vehicles; to give a ride; to hit; to crash; to bullshit; vehicle; automobile; driving skill
Part of Speech: noun
  • water wheel (measure word: 部)

  • water wagon (measure word: 部)
    (Cant.) seoi2mou6cyu5wui5on1paai4seoi2ce1dou3sau6jing2hoeng2ge3dei6keoi1tai4gung1sik6seoi2bei2geoi1man4
    (Eng.) The Water Supplies Department would arrange water wagons to provide water supply to the residents in the affected areas.

See also: 開篷車 剷車 垃圾車 山地車 水撥 水機 水泵 水頭 泥頭車 遙控車 鏟車 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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