
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fo2 ce1
Character Meaning:
fire; passion; watt
car; wheeled vehicles; to give a ride; to hit; to crash; to bullshit; vehicle; automobile; driving skill
Part of Speech: noun
train; generally excludes high speed rail, metro, underground rails, light rails, and trams (measure word: 架 / 部)
(Cant.) daap3fo2ce1
(Eng.) to ride on a train
(Cant.) 子彈火車zi2 daan2 fo2 ce1
(Eng.) bullet train
(Cant.) co5zing1hei3fo2ce1
(Eng.) to take a steam train
(Cant.) keoi5hai6jat1go3fo2ce1mai4uk1kei2jau5hou2do1gaa3fo2ce1mou4jing4
(Eng.) She is a big fan of trains, having collected lots of train figures in her house.
(Cant.) ni1bou6fo2ce1hai6luk6sap6nin4doi6ge3caan2mat6
(Eng.) This train is manufactured in the 60s.
See also: 栽培 訓 訓練 馴服 操練 受訓 剷車 吉普車 尾車 老爺車 計程車 車軌 鏟車 飆車 麪包車 黑車 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: fo2 ce1
Character Meaning:
fire; passion; watt
car; wheeled vehicles; to give a ride; to hit; to crash; to bullshit; vehicle; automobile; driving skill
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Hong Kong
an informal name for the former Kowloon-Canton Railway (KCR), which has now become the East Rail Line since the merge of the MTR and the KCR
(Cant.) ngo5ping4si4daap3fo2ce1faan1hok6gaa3
(Eng.) I usually go to school by East Rail line.
(Cant.) hai2fo2ce1gin3dou2go3leng3neoi2
(Eng.) I saw a beauty on the train.
See also: 剷車 吉普車 尾車 老爺車 計程車 車軌 鏟車 飆車 麪包車 黑車 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License