
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caau2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to stir-fry
    (Cant.) ngo5soeng2sik6fu6jyu5caau2tung1coi3
    (Eng.) I'd like to eat fried water spinach with fermented bean curd.

  • to speculate
    (Cant.) ji1gaa1hou2do1jan4caau2lau2gaau2dou3lau4gaa3gou1kei5
    (Eng.) Many people speculate in the property market. This pushes up the price of the property market.

  • to fire; to sack; to lay off
    (Cant.) keoi5jan1wai6seng4jat6faan1gung1ci4dou3so2ji5bei2jan4caau2zo2
    (Eng.) He was fired for being late for work all the time.

  • (usually of matches or games) to win by a large margin
    (Cant.) baa1西sai1zi2hai6bei2ho4laan1caau2zo2saam1kau4ji5ging1hou2gwo3soeng6jat1coeng4deoi3dak1gwok3gaa3laa3
    (Eng.) Brazil only lost 0-3 against the Netherlands, it's already an improvement compared with their match with the Germans!

  • to fail; to perform badly
    (Cant.) ngo5haau2si5caau2zo2
    (Eng.) I perform badly on the exam.

  • to have an argument; to have a row
    (Cant.) kam4jat6ngo5tung4keoi5caau2zo2so2ji5nei5m4hou2giu3ngo5bong1nei5wan2keoi5laa3
    (Eng.) I had a row with him yesterday. Please don't ask me to contact him for you.

  • (of vehicles or trains) to crash; to hit something
    (Cant.) gaa3ce1caau2zo2soeng2lou6bok3
    (Eng.) The car crashed into the kerb.

See also: 辭退 炒魷魚 炒魷 辭 清炒 撞車 冧市 墜機
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