
Radical Search
數碼sou3 maa5 (adj.) digital
歸屬感gwai1 suk6 gam2 (n.) sense of belonging
民俗man4 zuk6 (n.) folk customs
開夜車hoi1 je6 ce1 (v.) to work or study late into the night; to burn the midnight oil
mei5 (morph.) abbreviation for U.S.A.
主持zyu2 ci4 (v.) to preside over; to chair
招致ziu1 zi3 (v.) to bring about a negative consequence; to lead to something bad
屆時gaai3 si4 (adv.) at the appointed time; on the occasion (formal than 到時 dou3 si4)
到時dou3 si4 (adv.) by then; when the time comes
姑娘gu1 noeng4 (n.) female nurse
例如lai6 jyu4 (conj.) for example; such as
行路haang4 lou6 (v.) to walk; to go on foot
可能ho2 nang4 (adv.) may; maybe; probably
doi6 (v.) to put something into a bag or pocket
m2 (expr.) used to indicate uncertainty (non-clarity or strangeness); what
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