
Entry #1
Pronunciation: din6 ce1
Character Meaning:
electricity; battery; telephone; telegram; telegraph
car; wheeled vehicles; to give a ride; to hit; to crash; to bullshit; vehicle; automobile; driving skill
Part of Speech: noun
tram (In Hong Kong, the term usually refers to the double-decker trams running along the north of Hong Kong Island; cable powered trams are called 纜車) (measure word: 架)
(Cant.) heoi3paau2maa5dei2ge3waa2ho2ji5daap3din6ce1
(Eng.) You can go to Happy Valley by tram.
Synonym: Synonym: 叮叮
See also: 人力車 公交車 古董車 地鐵 巴士 老爺車 車軌 鏟車 電動車 飆車 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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