
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gin6
Part of Speech: quantifier
  • measure word for distinct, concrete, countable items; piece
    (Cant.) 一盅兩件jat1 zung1 loeng5 gin6
    (Eng.) enjoying dim sum and tea at a Chinese tea house
    (Cant.) keoi5zung6soeng2sik6do1gin6daan6gou1
    (Eng.) He wants to have one more piece of cake.
    (Cant.) gam3daai6gin6fo3dou1ho2ji5gei3sat1zan1hai6mou5je5hou2gong2
    (Eng.) They managed to lost such a large piece of cargo in transit? I am at a loss for words.
    (Cant.) ngo5maai5zo2loeng5gin6seot1saam1
    (Eng.) I bought two shirts.

  • measure word for general matters, issues, incidents, and stories
    (Cant.) jat1gin6siu2si6
    (Eng.) a trivial matter
    (Cant.) jat1gin6gung1zok3
    (Eng.) a task
    (Cant.) jing1sing4ngo5jat1gin6si6
    (Eng.) Promise me one thing.

  • measure word for investigative cases and lawsuits
    (Cant.) ni1gin6on3bei2gaau3fuk1zaap6
    (Eng.) This case is rather difficult.

  • informally, a measure word for people; similar to zek3
    (Cant.) ni1gin6sei2lou5gwai2
    (Eng.) this old ass dude
    (Cant.) go2gin6fei4je5
    (Eng.) that fat person
    (Cant.) ngo5zung6jau5loeng5gin6jiu3cau3
    (Eng.) I still have two children to raise.

See also: 樂曲
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gin2
Part of Speech: morpheme
pronunciation of 件 used as the final syllable
(Cant.) 貨件fo3 gin2
(Eng.) goods to be shipped
(Cant.) 收件sau1 gin2
(Eng.) to accept or to pick up mail for delivery
(Cant.) 文件man6 gin2
(Eng.) document
(Cant.) 信件seon3 gin2
(Eng.) letter; mail
(Cant.) 郵件jau4 gin2
(Eng.) mail
(Cant.) 物件mat6 gin2
(Eng.) object
(Cant.) 條件tiu4 gin2
(Eng.) condition; prerequisite
(Cant.) 零件ling4 gin2
(Eng.) spare parts
(Cant.) 機件gei1 gin2
(Eng.) machine parts
(Cant.) 案件on3 gin2
(Eng.) case
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: gin2
Part of Speech: noun
shipment; package; parcel; order (measure word: 件 / 份)
(Cant.) ngo5ngaam1ngaam1daa2heoi3jau4guk2man6haa5gin6gin2dou3mei6
(Eng.) I just went to the post office to ask if my package had arrived yet.
(Cant.) gam1jat6fan6gin2dou3hoeng1gong2laa3
(Eng.) Today my order arrives in Hong Kong.
See also: 貨件 包裝 package 包裹 郵包 命令
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License