
Entry #1
Pronunciation: man4 gin2
Character Meaning:
literary composition; dollar; written language; article; essay; literature; language
(measure); piece; shipment; package; parcel; order
Part of Speech: noun
document; papers (measure word: 份)
(Cant.) zung6jiu3man4gin2
(Eng.) important documents
(Cant.) man4gin2gaap2
(Eng.) document folder; paper folder
(Cant.) di1man4gin2m4hou2sei3wai4fei1wo3
(Eng.) The documents shouldn't be scattered all over the place.
(Cant.) zi1seon1man4gin2ho2ji5hai2zing3fu2mong5jip6haa6zoi3
(Eng.) Documents about the consultation are available for downloads on the webpage of the government.
See also: 文檔 文獻 紙張 論文 信件 備忘錄 公文 函件 協議書 報告 密件 申請表 資料 通知書 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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