
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zek3
Part of Speech: quantifier
  • measure word for one of certain paired things; piece; item
    (Cant.) jat1zek3ngaan5
    (Eng.) an eye
    (Cant.) ngo5zek3haai4m4zi1heoi3zo2bin1
    (Eng.) I don't know where my shoe is.

  • measure word for certain animals
    (Cant.) jat1zek3gai1
    (Eng.) a chicken
    (Cant.) jat1zek3man1
    (Eng.) a mosquito
    (Cant.) loeng5zek3zoek3zai2
    (Eng.) two little birds
    (Cant.) ho4bin1jau5zek3joeng4joeng4bin1jau5zek3zoeng6zoeng6bin1jau5zek3maa1lau1zing1hou2ci5nei5gam2joeng2
    (Eng.) A sheep is next to the river. An elephant is next to the sheep. A monkey is next to the elephant. It looks like you.

  • measure word for a general category, or a specific kind or variety that falls under one; sort; type
    (Cant.) jat1zek3ngaan4sik1
    (Eng.) a colour
    (Cant.) ni1zek3jyu5jin4
    (Eng.) this language
    (Cant.) ni1zek3tong2hou2syun1
    (Eng.) These candies are too sour.
    (Cant.) jau5gei2do1zek3mei6
    (Eng.) How many flavors (are there)?

  • measure word for any kind of aquatic vessel
    (Cant.) jat1zek3teng5
    (Eng.) a speedboat
    (Cant.) ni1dou6paak3zo2hou2do1zek3syun4
    (Eng.) Many boats are parked here.

  • measure word for songs
    (Cant.) coeng3zek3go1bei2ngo5dei6teng1
    (Eng.) Sing a song to us.

  • measure word for certain specific types of things, including CDs (CD si1 di1) and cups ( bui1)
    (Cant.) keoi5maai5zo2zek3biu1bei2ngo5
    (Eng.) He bought me a watch.
    (Cant.) zek3gaai3zi2leng3m4leng3aa3
    (Eng.) Does the ring look nice?

See also: 樂曲 件頭 事項
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