
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ming6
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • life; fate; the literary pronunciation for 命 meng6, usually used in compounds
    (Cant.) 性命sing3 ming6
    (Eng.) life; lives
    (Cant.) 生命sang1 ming6
    (Eng.) life; one's lifetime
    (Cant.) 命運ming6 wan6
    (Eng.) fate
    (Cant.) 天命tin1 ming6
    (Eng.) destiny
    (Cant.) 命案ming6 on3
    (Eng.) a murder
    (Cant.) 時也命也si4 jaa5 ming6 jaa5
    (Eng.) (a saying) It is timing. It is fate.

  • to order; to command; order; instruction
    (Cant.) 命令ming6 ling6
    (Eng.) order; instruction; to order
    (Cant.) fung6ming6hang4si6
    (Eng.) to follow the order and act

  • to assign a title; to entitle
    (Cant.) 命名ming6 ming4
    (Eng.) to name

See also: 世 生活 人生 命水 下場 天命 氣數 命令 責成 指揮 率領 號令
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: meng6
Part of Speech: noun
  • life (measure word: 條)
    (Cant.) mou5meng6
    (Eng.) to cost one's life; to lose one's life
    (Cant.) 命仔meng6 zai2
    (Eng.) a humorous way to refer to one's life
    (Cant.) hai2jau4hei3jap6min6mou5saai3meng6jiu3jap6cin2laa3
    (Eng.) (In the game) You have run out of lives. Insert coins to continue.

  • lifetime; the duration of one's life
    (Cant.) coeng4meng6
    (Eng.) (of people) long-lived
    (Cant.) 短命dyun2 meng6
    (Eng.) (of people) short-lived
    (Cant.) 嫌命長jim4 meng6 coeng4
    (Eng.) weary of one's long life; literally: tired of living too long; used to describe someone who is reckless
    (Cant.) ji1sang1waa6ngo5zung6jau5sap6nin4meng6
    (Eng.) Doctors say I still have ten years to live.

  • fate; one's predetermined future
    (Cant.) 認命jing6 meng6
    (Eng.) to accept one's fate
    (Cant.) ngo5tiu4meng6zing2ding6hai6jiu3ngaai4
    (Eng.) It is my fate that I have to go through hardships.

See also: 世 生活 人生 終生 生平 畢生 壽命 命水 下場 天命 氣數
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License