
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ngok6 kuk1
Character Meaning:
music; happy; joyful; cheerful; to enjoy; to appreciate
song; wrong; injustice; tune; melody; qu (poetry); bent; twisted; curved; curly
Part of Speech: noun
(of music) composition; piece (measure word: 支 / 首)
(Cant.) ni1sau2ngok6kuk1paang4baai3gik1ngong4naan4gwaai3daai6gaa1teng1jyun4dou1kei5hei2san1paak3sau2
(Eng.) This song brought up the emotions of the audience; it is thus understandable why people stood up clapping after the performance.
See also: 作品 作文 成份 交響曲 交響樂 奏鳴曲 弦樂 旋律 曲目 樂章 演奏 獨奏 管弦樂 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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