
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baau1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to pack up; to wrap up; to surround; to enclose
    (Cant.) lo2tiu4mou4gan1baau1zyu6zek3goek3
    (Eng.) to wrap a towel around your legs
    (Cant.) baau1lai5mat6
    (Eng.) to wrap a gift
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6baau1gan2gaau2zi2gam1maan5jau5dak1sik6
    (Eng.) We are making meat dumplings. They will be ready by dinner time.

  • to guarantee; to assure
    (Cant.) 包生仔baau1 saang1 zai2
    (Eng.) to guarantee success; literally: to guarantee the birth of a boy
    (Cant.) jau5waai6baau1wun6
    (Eng.) guarantee to exchange if broken
    (Cant.) ni1go3neoi5zai2ngo5baau1nei5zung1ji3
    (Eng.) This girl, I assure you, you'll like her.
    (Cant.) gam1jat6baau1keoi5lok6jyu5
    (Eng.) Today, I can tell, it will certainly rain.

  • to hire exclusively; to pay for exclusive service; to charter; followed by the scope or period
    (Cant.) 包場baau1 coeng4
    (Eng.) to hold up the entire venue
    (Cant.) baau1jat1gaa3fei1gei1
    (Eng.) to charter a plane
    (Cant.) baau1ji6naai1
    (Eng.) to keep a mistress
    (Cant.) jyu4gwo2nei5soeng2heoi3do1gei2go3dei6fong1nei5dou1hai6baau1ce1laa1
    (Eng.) If you want to visit more places, you should hire a car.

  • to include; to contain; to come with something
    (Cant.) ni1go3tou3caan1baau1jat1bui1jit6jam2
    (Eng.) This set meal includes a hot drink.
    (Cant.) zou1gam1jat1maan6baau1seoi2din6mui4
    (Eng.) The rent is $10,000, water, electricity and gas are included.
    (Cant.) ni1fan6gung1baau1fo2sik6tung4ji1liu4bou2him2
    (Eng.) This job (i.e. the remuneration) includes meals and medical insurance.

  • to undertake most of the thing; to take full/most of the responsibility
    (Cant.) 包攬baau1 laam5
    (Eng.) to undertake all the things
    (Cant.) 包起baau1 hei2
    (Eng.) to take up full responsibility
    (Cant.) 包底baau1 dai2
    (Eng.) to take up remaining responsibility
    (Cant.) maan6daai6si6baau1hai2ngo5san1soeng6
    (Eng.) Just leave it all to me.

See also: 收工 困 環繞 包圍 附上 確保 包保 寫包單 保
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: baau1
Part of Speech: morpheme
bag; package; pack; packet
(Cant.) 郵包jau4 baau1
(Eng.) a parcel
(Cant.) 銀包ngan4 baau1
(Eng.) a wallet
Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 包裝 package 貨件 pack pack 副 套裝
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: baau1
Part of Speech: noun
bread, a staple food prepared from flour dough and water, usually by baking (measure word: 個 / 塊)
(Cant.) sik6baau1hou2ci5hou2taam5mei6hou2gin6hong1daan6kei4sat6kaa1lou6lei5hou2gou1gaa3ping4gwan1jat1faai3dou1jau566luk6 sap6 luk6kaa1tung4jat1bong6ceng1gwaa1caa1m4do1
(Eng.) Bread might seem to be healthy and contain low levels of fat, but actually it has a high calorie content - each slice contains 66 calories, which is almost the same amount for a pound of cucumber.
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Entry #4
Pronunciation: baau1
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
a surname, usually transliterated as "Pau" or "Pao"
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