
Entry #1
Pronunciation: doi6
Part of Speech: quantifier
  • quantifier of generation, span of years
    (Cant.) soeng6jat1doi6
    (Eng.) the previous generation
    (Cant.) san1jat1doi6
    (Eng.) the new generation
    (Cant.) nin4cing1jat1doi6
    (Eng.) the younger generation
    (Cant.) ng5doi6tung4tong4
    (Eng.) five generations in one house
    (Cant.) 跨代kwaa1 doi6
    (Eng.) intergenerational
    (Cant.) 歷代lik6 doi6
    (Eng.) the past ages
    (Cant.) 代溝doi6 kau1
    (Eng.) generation gap
    (Cant.) 代代相傳doi6 doi6 soeng1 cyun4
    (Eng.) to pass on from generation to generation

  • phase; stage; batch
    (Cant.) dai6jat1doi6caan2ban2
    (Eng.) the first-generation products

See also: 淘汰 期 階段 步 話劇 策動 尾水 屆
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: doi6
Part of Speech: morpheme
historical period; times; era
(Cant.) 古代gu2 doi6
(Eng.) ancient times
(Cant.) 近代gan6 doi6
(Eng.) modern times
(Cant.) 當代dong1 doi6
(Eng.) contemporary times
(Cant.) 朝代ciu4 doi6
(Eng.) dynasty
(Cant.) hon3doi6
(Eng.) Han Dynasty
(Cant.) cing1doi6
(Eng.) Qing Dynasty
(Cant.) jau5cing1jat1doi6
(Eng.) (in) the Qing Dynasty
See also: 時 當時得令 時代 年號 年代 紀元
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: doi6
Part of Speech: verb
to be in place of; to take the place of; to substitute; to act for; to be on behalf of
(Cant.) keoi5kam4jat6m4syu1fuk6so2ji5ngo5doi6keoi5heoi3zo2hoi1wui2
(Eng.) She was not feeling well yesterday, so I attended the meeting in her place.
(Cant.) nei5gin3dou2keoi5ge3si4hau6doi6ngo5hoeng3keoi5dou6hip3aa1
(Eng.) Apologize to him for me when you see him.
See also: 代替 取代 替
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License