
Entry #1
Pronunciation: si4 doi6
Character Meaning:
o'clock; times; days
generation((of people)); substitute; dynasty; to be in place of; to substitute; to act for; generation; historical period; times
Part of Speech: noun
  • times; age; era; epoch (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) fung1gin3si4doi6
    (Eng.) feudal age
    (Cant.) bing1ho4si4doi6
    (Eng.) ice age
    (Cant.) cing1tung4si4doi6
    (Eng.) bronze age
    (Cant.) si4doi6bin3cin1
    (Eng.) changes in times
    (Cant.) cyun4sing6si4doi6
    (Eng.) golden age
    (Cant.) fu1jing3si4doi6mak6bok3
    (Eng.) to respond to the pulse of the age
    (Cant.) zeoi3hou2ge3si4doi6
    (Eng.) the best of the times
    (Cant.) gau2tit3si4doi6ge3hung4ham3zaam6
    (Eng.) Hung Hom Station in the KCRC era
    (Cant.) zung1gwok3gan6doi6si1soeng2si2ge3zyun2jing4si4doi6
    (Eng.) the transition era in early modern Chinese intellectual history

  • period in one's life (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) cing1nin4si4doi6
    (Eng.) youth
    (Cant.) hok6saang1si4doi6
    (Eng.) school days

Synonym: Synonym: 時期
See also: 時 代 老化 壽命 年代 歲數 華 年號 紀元 世 世代 後現代 改朝換代 時世 時期 末代 現代 現代主義 近代 隔代 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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