
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lik6 doi6
Character Meaning:
to go through; to experience
generation((of people)); substitute; dynasty; historical period; times; era; to be in place of; to substitute; to act for; to be on behalf of; phase; stage; batch
Part of Speech: noun
the past ages
(Cant.) lik6ciu4lik6doi6
(Eng.) the successive dynasties
(Cant.) lik6doi6dai3wong4
(Eng.) emperors of the past dynasties
(Cant.) lik6doi6zou2sin1
(Eng.) ancestors; forebears
See also: 三皇五帝 五代 代代 古今中外 古代 古往今來 戰國時代 春秋時代 神農氏 近代 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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