
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hoi1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to open (something that was shut); to open up (creating space or a gap)
    (Cant.) hoi1coeng1
    (Eng.) to open a window
    (Cant.) 開門hoi1 mun4
    (Eng.) to open a door
    (Cant.) di1doi2lai4go2zan6ji5ging1hoi1saai3gaa3laa3
    (Eng.) The bags were opened when they arrived.

  • to allow access into a place
    (Cant.) gaan1pou3hoi1tung1siu1gaa3jau5dak1hai2syu3daa2dan2
    (Eng.) The shop opens overnight. One can hang around there.

  • to bloom
    (Cant.) faa1jyun2di1faa1hoi1saai3laa3wo3
    (Eng.) The flowers in the garden have all bloomed.

  • to start doing something; to commence
    (Cant.) 開工hoi1 gung1
    (Eng.) to start work
    (Cant.) 開學hoi1 hok6
    (Eng.) to commence the school term
    (Cant.) 開庭hoi1 ting4
    (Eng.) to open a court session
    (Cant.) 開場hoi1 coeng4
    (Eng.) (usually of performances) to start; to commence
    (Cant.) hoi1fan1
    (Eng.) to break a vegetarian fast
    (Cant.) hoi1loeng5wai4
    (Eng.) to arrange a banquet
    (Cant.) hoi1toi2sik6faan6
    (Eng.) to set the dining table

  • to unlock; to lift (a ban or restriction)
    (Cant.) hoi1so2
    (Eng.) to unlock (a door)
    (Cant.) hoi1gam3
    (Eng.) to lift a ban

  • to hold (an event)
    (Cant.) 開會hoi1 wui2
    (Eng.) to have a meeting
    (Cant.) hoi1paai3deoi3
    (Eng.) to hold a party

  • to start something new
    (Cant.) hoi1gung1si1
    (Eng.) to start a company
    (Cant.) hoi1fan1dim3
    (Eng.) to open a branch
    (Cant.) hoi1窿lung1
    (Eng.) to dig a (new) hole
    (Cant.) dang2ngo5hoi1go3san1dong2on3sin1
    (Eng.) Let me create a new file.

  • to start up; to turn on
    (Cant.) 開車hoi1 ce1
    (Eng.) to start a vehicle
    (Cant.) 開船hoi1 syun4
    (Eng.) to set sail
    (Cant.) hoi1gei1
    (Eng.) to turn on a machine or (electronic) device
    (Cant.) hoi1sau1jam1gei1
    (Eng.) to switch on the radio

  • to shoot; to discharge ammunition
    (Cant.) 開火ho1 fo2
    (Eng.) to open fire
    (Cant.) ngo5hoeng3go2go3fong1hoeng3hoi1zo2loeng5coeng1
    (Eng.) I shot twice at that direction.

  • to issue; to dispense
    (Cant.) hoi1zi1piu3
    (Eng.) to write a cheque
    (Cant.) hoi1tiu4gin2
    (Eng.) to list a prerequisite
    (Cant.) ji1sang1hoi1zo2zoeng1beng6gaa3zi2bei2nei5
    (Eng.) The doctor has issued a sick-leave certificate for you.
    (Cant.) ji1sang1jau5mou5hoi1joek6bei2nei5
    (Eng.) Did the doctor dispense any medicine for you?

  • to discover; to explore; to expose
    (Cant.) ngo5go3gok3sik1sing1kap1zi1hau6hoi1zo2go3san1dei6tou4ceot1lai4
    (Eng.) After my character has leveled up, a new map is revealed.
    (Cant.) ngo5mei6hoi1din6jau4tai2wo3hou2gap1gaa4
    (Eng.) I haven't read the email—is it urgent?

  • to release a result; to reveal
    (Cant.) 開估hoi1 gu2
    (Eng.) to reveal the answer
    (Cant.) luk6hap6coi2hoi1zo2mei6aa3
    (Eng.) Has the Mark Six been released yet?

  • to cut into pieces; to divide
    (Cant.) 除得開ceoi4 dak1 hoi1
    (Eng.) to be divisible
    (Cant.) ni1gaan1uk1jat1hoi1saam1zou6zo2saam1gaan1tong1fong2
    (Eng.) This flat was divided into three parts, and became three subdivided housing units.

  • to create a liquid mixture
    (Cant.) hoi1ngaan4liu2
    (Eng.) to mix acrylic paint
    (Cant.) hoi1naai5
    (Eng.) to reconstitute powdered milk
    (Cant.) hoi1hin3
    (Eng.) to make starch slurry

See also: 張開 揭開 開拓 打開 攤開 開花 盛開 綻放 着手
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: hoi1
Part of Speech: adjective
  • to spread; to enlarge
    (Cant.) 散開saan3 hoi1
    (Eng.) to scatter; to disperse
    (Cant.) 傳開cyun4 hoi1
    (Eng.) to spread; to be widely known

  • put after verb that expresses "generous" or "open-minded"
    (Cant.) #諗得開nam2 dak1 hoi1
    (Eng.) to have an open mind
    (Cant.) 睇開tai2 hoi1
    (Eng.) to be tolerant of something

  • outside; on the outer side
    (Cant.) 開便hoi1 bin6
    (Eng.) outside

  • away; elsewhere
    (Cant.) bei2di1daam2jau4hoi1di1
    (Eng.) Brace yourself, swim away from pool side.
    (Cant.) haang4hoi1laa1nei5
    (Eng.) Go away!
    (Cant.) ling1hoi1saai3di1din6nou5laa1
    (Eng.) Move all computers away!

See also: 傳播 散播 放大 隆 擴 外界 外面 外 出面
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: hoi1
Part of Speech: quantifier
  • times; usually of monetary gain from investments
    (Cant.) gam1jat6zek3gu2piu3zaan6zo2loeng5go3hoi1gau6cin2jau4jat1maan6bin3zo2saam1maan6
    (Eng.) Today, the stock price tripled, our funds increased from $10,000 to $30,000.

  • division in Shiroku-ban paper size
    (Cant.) deoi3hoi1
    (Eng.) folio; f
    (Cant.) baat3hoi1
    (Eng.) octavo; 8vo (equivalent to B4)
    (Cant.) saam1sap6ji6hoi1
    (Eng.) thirty-twomo; 32mo; Tt

See also: 時 當時得令 時代
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: hoi1
Part of Speech: affix
a postverbal aspect marker that expresses a habit which has continued for a period of time until the present
(Cant.) aa3ming4zou6hoi1wan6dung6san1tai2hou2gin6hong1
(Eng.) Ah Ming is used to doing exercise and has a healthy body.
(Cant.) ngo5go3zai2jam2hoi1ni1zek3naai5fan2
(Eng.) This is the powdered milk that my son has been drinking.
(Cant.) jung6hoi1din6nou5daa2zi6ge3jan4jung6daa2zi6gei1wui5daa2dak1hou2maan6
(Eng.) People who are used to type on a computer will type very slowly on a typewriter.
Synonym: Synonym: 一向 不嬲
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