
Entry #1
Pronunciation: doi6 kau1
Character Meaning:
generation((of people)); substitute; dynasty; historical period; times; era; to be in place of; to substitute; to act for; to be on behalf of; phase; stage; batch
ditch; duct; waterway; to chase one's love; to pick up; to chat up; Malaysian ringgit
Part of Speech: noun
generation gap (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) ngo5dei6fu6zi2zi1gaan1mou5doi6kau1gaa3mat1je5dou1ho2ji5ling1ceot1lai4king1
(Eng.) There is little to no gap between me and my dad; we can literally talk about everything.
See also: 不打不相識 同是天涯淪落人 同病相憐 好高騖遠 涇渭分明 相敬如賓 老死不相往來 英雄所見略同 話不投機半句多 齟齬 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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