
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zip3
Part of Speech: verb
  • to catch; to take hold of
    (Cant.) 接生zip3 saang1
    (Eng.) to deliver a baby
    (Cant.) zip3sat6
    (Eng.) to catch and hold tight
    (Cant.) zip3m4zyu6
    (Eng.) cannot catch (something)
    (Cant.) zi2ming4daa2jyu5mou4kau4sing4jat6zip3m4zyu6go3bo1
    (Eng.) Zi Ming misses the shuttlecock all the time (when playing badminton).
    (Cant.) zi2ming4zip3hou2di1laa1
    (Eng.) Zi Ming, catch that properly!

  • to pick somebody up
    (Cant.) ngo5gam1maan5zip3nei5fong3gung1
    (Eng.) I'll pick you up after work tonight.
    (Cant.) ngo5ji4gaa1heoi3zip3ngo5go3zai2fong3hok6
    (Eng.) I'm going to pick up my son from school.

See also: 揪 捕捉 擒獲 逮
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zip3
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to touch; to get close to
    (Cant.) 接觸zip3 zuk1
    (Eng.) to touch
    (Cant.) 連接lin4 zip3
    (Eng.) to connect
    (Cant.) 交頭接耳gaau1 tau4 zip3 ji5
    (Eng.) to whisper to one another's ear
    (Cant.) 接吻zip3 man5
    (Eng.) to kiss
    (Cant.) 接近zip3 gan6
    (Eng.) to get closer
    (Cant.) 銜接haam4 zip3
    (Eng.) to join

  • to receive; to welcome; to meet
    (Cant.) 迎接jing4 zip3
    (Eng.) to welcome; to receive
    (Cant.) 接待zip3 doi6
    (Eng.) to receive
    (Cant.) 待人接物doi6 jan4 zip3 mat6
    (Eng.) the way one treats others
    (Cant.) 接洽zip3 hap1
    (Eng.) to take up a matter with sb
    (Cant.) 接線生zip3 sin3 sang1
    (Eng.) operator
    (Cant.) 接見zip3 gin3
    (Eng.) to receive (for a meeting/interview)

  • to receive
    (Cant.) 接納zip3 naap6
    (Eng.) to receive
    (Cant.) 接收zip3 sau1
    (Eng.) to receive; to take
    (Cant.) 接受zip3 sau6
    (Eng.) to accept

  • to substitute; to replace
    (Cant.) 接替zip3 tai3
    (Eng.) to take over
    (Cant.) 接任zip3 jam6
    (Eng.) to take over someone's job
    (Cant.) 接棒zip3 paang5
    (Eng.) to receive a baton
    (Cant.) 接班人zip3 baan1 jan4
    (Eng.) successor
    (Cant.) 接管zip3 gwun2
    (Eng.) to take over
    (Cant.) 接手zip3 sau2
    (Eng.) to take over

  • to continue; to carry on something
    (Cant.) 剪接zin2 zip3
    (Eng.) film-editting
    (Cant.) 傳宗接代cyun4 zung1 zip3 doi6
    (Eng.) to produce offspring
    (Cant.) 再接再厲zoi3 zip3 zoi3 lai6
    (Eng.) to persist
    (Cant.) 接二連三zip3 ji6 lin4 saam1
    (Eng.) in quick succession
    (Cant.) 接力zip3 lik6
    (Eng.) to work in relay
    (Cant.) 接踵而來zip3 zung2 ji4 loi4
    (Eng.) to come one after the other
    (Cant.) 接駁巴士zip3 bok3 baa1 si2
    (Eng.) shuttle bus
    (Cant.) 緊接gan2 zip3
    (Eng.) immediately after; adjacent
    (Cant.) zip3zyu6lok6lai4jau5gang3do1m4tung4ge3zit3muk6
    (Eng.) There will be more shows later.

See also: 受 招待 領 接收 歡迎 迎接 接待 迎 代替 取代
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