
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cing1
Part of Speech: adjective
  • clear; pure
    (Cant.) di1cyun4seoi2gei2cing1wo3
    (Eng.) The spring water is quite clear.

  • simple
    (Cant.) go3coeng4zi2zing6sik1tai2lok6cing1cing1dei2dou1gei2hou2aak3
    (Eng.) The simple look of wallpaper in plain colour looks pretty fine too.

  • (of food) light; plain; not greasy
    (Cant.) beng6jan4sik6dak1cing1di1wui5faai3di1hou2
    (Eng.) Sick people will recover sooner if they have lighter food.

See also: 明白 清澈 純樸 潔淨 純真 純正 樸素 素 簡約 簡略 點着 輕微 輕鬆 光線 平原 儉樸 平地
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: cing1
Part of Speech: adjective
(used after verbs) fully; completely; thoroughly
(Cant.) ngo5jiu3hai2jat1go3sing1kei4zi1noi6waan4cing1di1zaai3
(Eng.) I have to repay the debt in full within a week.
(Cant.) faai3di1zap1cing1zoeng1faan6toi2zau6lai4sik6faan6laa3
(Eng.) Hurry up and clear all the things off the table, we will have our meal soon.
(Cant.) mou5lo3jat1pou1syu1cing1lo3
(Eng.) Oh no, I've lost all money in a game.
Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 十分 足足 完全 根本 通通 表面 勻 徹底 備 完成 完工 竟 KO 搞掂
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: cing1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to deplete; to use up; to finish up
    (Cant.) baau1syu4pin2bei2keoi5cing1saai3laa3
    (Eng.) The packet of potato chips was finished by him.
    (Cant.) keoi5jat1go3jan2cing1saai3seng4zi1hei3seoi2
    (Eng.) He finished the entire bottle of soft drink by himself.

  • to empty; to remove
    (Cant.) cing1jat1cing1zoeng1toi2aa1
    (Eng.) Please empty (=take away everything on) the table.

See also: 消耗 窮 枯竭 倒 解除 剝 排除 消除
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: cing1
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
the Qing Dynasty; a dynasty in Chinese history from AD1644 to 1911
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