
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dim2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to count one by one
    (Cant.) 點數dim2 sou3
    (Eng.) to count the total
    (Cant.) jau5ji5jyun4jiu1kau4dim2jan4tau4git3gwo2jan1wai6zing6hai6dak1廿jaa6cat1wai2ji5jyun4ceot1zik6wui6ji5ji4lau4wui2
    (Eng.) A councilor requested to count the number of present members. After the counting, it was found that there were only 27 members present, and the meeting was adjourned.

  • to mislead or deceive; see also 老點 lou5 dim2
    (Cant.) ni1gaan1pou3dou1mou5ngo5jiu3go2gin6nei5dim2ngo5aa4
    (Eng.) This store doesn't have the piece I want. Are you trolling me?

  • to command someone (to do something), often in a disrespectful manner
    (Cant.) ngo5lou5sai3hou2zung1ji3dim2jan4zou6je5zi6gei2zau6waan2zip3lung4
    (Eng.) My boss likes to make people work, but he just plays solitaire himself.

  • to pick from various choices
    (Cant.) 點歌dim2 go1
    (Eng.) to request a song
    (Cant.) 點唱dim2 coeng3
    (Eng.) to request a song
    (Cant.) 點餸dim2 sung3
    (Eng.) to order food (at a restaurant)
    (Cant.) 點擊dim2 gik1
    (Eng.) (of computers) to click
    (Cant.) tong4baak3fu2dim2cau1hoeng1
    (Eng.) Tong Baak-fu picks out Cau-hoeng (a popular folklore about a famous Ming Dynasty scholar)

  • to light something on fire
    (Cant.) 點火dim2 fo2
    (Eng.) to light a fire
    (Cant.) faai3di1dim2laap6zuk1laa1m4dim2ceoi1me1aa3
    (Eng.) Light the candles now, otherwise how can we blow them out?

  • to dip
    (Cant.) dim2di1si6jau4aa1
    (Eng.) Dip it in some soy sauce.

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Entry #2
Pronunciation: dim2
Part of Speech: pronoun
  • how; in what way; in what manner
    (Cant.) jau4guk6dim2heoi3gaa3
    (Eng.) How can I get to the post office?
    (Cant.) go3min6si5dim2aa3
    (Eng.) How did the interview go?
    (Cant.) nei5zeoi3gan6dim2aa3
    (Eng.) How are things with you recently?
    (Cant.) nei5soeng2dim2aa3
    (Eng.) What do you want?
    (Cant.) gam2nei5soeng2ngo5dim2aa3
    (Eng.) So what do you want me to do?

  • ostensibly asking how something is done, but in fact used to express annoyance at how it is done incompetently
    (Cant.) jau5mou5gaau2co3nei5dei6dim2zou6saang1ji3gaa3
    (Eng.) Are you kidding me? How on earth can you do business like this?
    (Cant.) waa3keoi5dim2zaa1ce1gaa3gwo3sin3m4daa2dang1dou1jau5ge2
    (Eng.) Where the hell did he learn to drive? He changed lanes without signalling!
    (Cant.) nei5dim2zou6je5gaa3di1emailji1 meu1loeng5go3lai5baai3dou1mei6fuk1ge2
    (Eng.) What's up with you? These emails have been left unanswered for two weeks already!
    (Cant.) nei5sing4jat6dou1m4jam2seoi2dim2dak1gaa3
    (Eng.) How could you not drink any water for the whole day?

  • whatever; however; used in conditionals to substitute a situation, a method, or some way of doing things
    (Cant.) jing1goi1dim2zou6zau6dim2zou6m4使sai2man6ngo5gaa3laak3
    (Eng.) Do it the way it should be done, you don't need to ask me.
    (Cant.) nei5soeng2dim2mai6dim2lo1
    (Eng.) Whatever you want.
    (Cant.) keoi5soeng2dim2dou1hou2m4hou2maa4faan4dou2ngo5zau6dak1
    (Eng.) He can do it in whatever way he likes, as long as he doesn't cause me trouble.

Synonym: Synonym: 如何 怎樣 點樣
See also: 點樣 怎 怎樣 邊度 隨得 凡事 橫九掂十 任何 卻 但 然而 但是 然
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Entry #3
Pronunciation: dim2
Part of Speech: quantifier
  • o'clock; can be followed by more fine-grained units like zing3 (on the dot), bun3 (half-past), 個骨 go3 gwat1 (quarter hour), daap6 and 個字 go3 zi6 (5-minute increments), or fan1 (minutes)
    (Cant.) jat1dim2
    (Eng.) one o'clock
    (Cant.) loeng5dim2bun3
    (Eng.) half past two
    (Cant.) sap6ji6dim2sap6jat1
    (Eng.) twelve fifty-five
    (Cant.) sap6ji6dim2sap6jat1fan1
    (Eng.) twelve eleven; eleven minutes past twelve
    (Cant.) saam1dim2sei3go3zi6
    (Eng.) twenty past three; four intervals past three
    (Cant.) saam1dim2daap6sei3
    (Eng.) twenty past three; four intervals past three
    (Cant.) ji4gaa1gei2dim2aa3baat3dim2saam1
    (Eng.) "What time is it now?" "A quarter past eight."

  • decimal point; decimal comma; used to separate whole numbers from fractional numbers ; also known as 小數點 siu2 sou3 dim3, literally: small number point
    (Cant.) luk6dim2ng5
    (Eng.) six point five
    (Cant.) ling4dim2saam1
    (Eng.) zero point three

  • point (of a discussion); item; thing
    (Cant.) ni1jat1dim2hou2zung6jiu3
    (Eng.) This point is very important.

See also: 點鐘 小數點
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Entry #4
Pronunciation: dim2
Part of Speech: noun
  • dot; spot; speck (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) keoi5tiu4taai1hai6laam4dai2baak6dim2ge3
    (Eng.) His tie was blue with white dots on it.

  • extent; degree
    (Cant.) 到一個點dou3 jat1 go3 dim2
    (Eng.) ... to a point (that ...)

See also: 現場 粉刺 污漬 青春痘 甚至 level 地步 程度 degree
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Entry #5
Pronunciation: dim2
Part of Speech: morpheme
aspect; characteristic; attribute
(Cant.) 共通gung6 tung1dim2
(Eng.) common aspect
(Cant.) 優點jau1 dim1
(Eng.) edge; merit
(Cant.) 特點dak6 dim2
(Eng.) characteristics
(Cant.) 重點zung6 dim2
(Eng.) key point; important aspect
See also: 一方面 層面 廂 方面 特色 特性 特質 色
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