
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fan1
Part of Speech: quantifier
  • minute (often denoting the time instead of duration)
    (Cant.) 4sei3fan133sam1 sap6 sam1miu5
    (Eng.) four minutes, thirty-three seconds
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6jiu3fan1miu5bit1zang1
    (Eng.) We have to seize every minute and every second.
    (Cant.) ji4gaa1ge3si4gaan3hai6haa6ng5loeng5dim2saam1sap6ng5fan1
    (Eng.) The time is now 2:35 p.m.

  • mark; point
    (Cant.) 滿分mun5 fan1
    (Eng.) full marks
    (Cant.) nei5mai5gam3hoi1sam1zyu660luk6 sap6fan1sin1hap6gaak3aa3
    (Eng.) Don't celebrate too early. Sixty marks is the passing line.

  • cent; penny; 0.1 dime
    (Cant.) mui5jat1fan1mui5jat1hou4dou1jiu3jung6dak1kei4so2
    (Eng.) Every penny and every dime should be utilised appropriately.

  • a unit of length; 1/8 inch

  • unit of land area

  • (geometry) minute; 1/60 of a degree

  • fen, a unit of weight; 0.01 tael

  • one-tenth; often used figuratively as measure word for degree or extent
    (Cant.) 萬二分maan6 ji6 fan1
    (Eng.) very much; extremely
    (Cant.) 打醒十二分精神daa2 seng2 sap6 ji6 fan1 zing1 san4
    (Eng.) to be fully alert
    (Cant.) 三分顏色上大紅saam1 fan1 ngaan4 sik1 soeng5 daai6 hung4
    (Eng.) give him an inch and he will take a mile
    (Cant.) 一分耕耘一分收穫jat1 fan1 gaan1 wan4 jat1 fan1 sau1 wok6
    (Eng.) as you sow, so shall you reap
    (Cant.) keoi5gam3nou5lik6dou1m4hap6gaak3zan1hai6jau5gei2fan1ho2sik1
    (Eng.) He studied hard but still failed. Such a pity.

See also: 分鐘 芝麻綠豆 改 印 標誌 論點 半圓 數尾 仙
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: fan6
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • component
    (Cant.) 水分seoi2 fan6
    (Eng.) moisture content

  • what is within one's duty or rights
    (Cant.) 本分bun2 fan6
    (Eng.) own's duty
    (Cant.) 過分gwo3 fan6
    (Eng.) going too far; excessive
    (Cant.) hap1jyu4kei4fan6
    (Eng.) appropriate; just right

  • same as fan6

See also: 機件 成份 構件 零件
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: fan1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to divide; to split
    (Cant.) ni1tiu4ho2zoeng1go3sing4fan1wai6loeng5go3dei6keoi1
    (Eng.) This river divides the city into two zones.

  • to share; to distribute
    (Cant.) nei5dei6mui5jan4fan1gin6daan6gou1sik6aa1
    (Eng.) Each of you can share a piece of the cake.

  • to distinguish
    (Cant.) no6mai5tung4baak6mai5nei5dou1m4sik1fan1
    (Eng.) Can't you even tell the difference between glutinous rice and white rice?
    (Cant.) seoi2kei4sat6dou1jau5jyun5ngaang6zi1fan1
    (Eng.) Water can actually be divided into soft and hard water.

See also: 分流 散 發 佈 分裂 破裂 破 切割 辨別 區分 分辨
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: fan1
Part of Speech: affix
to indicate a branch organization from the headquarter
(Cant.) 分行fan1 hong2
(Eng.) branch
(Cant.) 分店fan1 dim3
(Eng.) branch store
(Cant.) 分校fan1 haau6
(Eng.) branch school
(Cant.) fan1gung1si1
(Eng.) branch office
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Entry #5
Pronunciation: fan6
Part of Speech: quantifier
to indicate fractions
(Cant.) ji6fan6zi1jat1
(Eng.) one-half
(Cant.) jat6jat6fan3baat3nap1zung1zau6zik1hai6zim3zo2nei5jan4saang1saam1fan6jat1ge3si4gaan3
(Eng.) Sleeping for eight hours a day spends you one third of your life.
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