
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bin1 dou6
Character Meaning:
side; which; margin; edge; rim; party; opposing groups; "which" or "what"; whom; when).
place; to measure; degree; standard; limit; consideration; appearance; tolerance; approximately; about; around; spot; boundaries; to devise; to work out; to ponder; 1kl of water usage
Part of Speech: pronoun
  • where; used to enquire about the place.
    (Cant.) nei5heoi3zo2bin1dou6aa3
    (Eng.) Where did you go?
    (Cant.) bin1dou6jau5ci3so2aa3
    (Eng.) Where is the toilet?

  • anywhere
    (Cant.) ngo5bin1dou6dou1m4soeng2heoi3
    (Eng.) I don't want to go anywhere.
    (Cant.) sik6faan6ngo5heoi3bin1dou6dou1mou5so2wai6
    (Eng.) Lunch? I'm fine with anywhere.

  • how; not used in interrogative questions, but rhetorical questions, to express negation. Used to deny the following statement, as well as implying the statement is considered totally impossible to happen.
    (Cant.) zek3biu1gam3gwai3ngo5bin1dou6maai5dak1hei2aa3
    (Eng.) The watch is too expensive, how could I possibly afford it?
    (Cant.) ngo5bin1dou6gei3dak1keoi5din6waa2aa3
    (Eng.) How could I remember his phone number?

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 哪兒 一旦 何處 隨處 點樣 怎 怎樣 係咪 幾時 邊個 邊忽 邊忽似 邊樹 邊皮 邊處 邊間 邊青 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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