
Entry #1
Pronunciation: seoi2
Part of Speech: noun
  • water
    (Cant.) jam2seoi2
    (Eng.) to drink water
    (Cant.) bou1seoi2
    (Eng.) to boil water
    (Cant.) 游水jau4 seoi2
    (Eng.) to swim
    (Cant.) 水費seoi2 fai3
    (Eng.) water bill
    (Cant.) 礦泉水kwong3 cyun4 seoi2
    (Eng.) mineral water
    (Cant.) ngo5mui5jat6dou1jiu3jam2baat3bui1seoi2
    (Eng.) I have to drink eight glasses of water every day.

  • body of water; river, sea, lake, etc.
    (Cant.) 水面seoi2 min2
    (Eng.) water surface
    (Cant.) seoi2dai2
    (Eng.) underwater
    (Cant.) 上水soeng5 seoi2
    (Eng.) to get out of water
    (Cant.) seoi2gwan1
    (Eng.) navy
    (Cant.) 水上人seoi2 soeng6 jan4
    (Eng.) boat people

See also: 淋 水上 海域
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: seoi2
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • soup; beverage
    (Cant.) zuk1ze3maau4gan1seoi2
    (Eng.) sugar cane with imperatae drink
    (Cant.) luk6dau2seoi2
    (Eng.) green pea drink
    (Cant.) syut3lei4seoi2
    (Eng.) pear drink

  • liquids in general
    (Cant.) 火水fo2 seoi2
    (Eng.) kerosene
    (Cant.) 墨水mak6 seoi2
    (Eng.) ink
    (Cant.) 血水hyut3 seoi2
    (Eng.) blood
    (Cant.) 膠水gaau1 seoi2
    (Eng.) glue; adhesive
    (Cant.) 通渠水tung1 keoi4 seoi2
    (Eng.) drain cleaner

See also: 煲湯 飲品 嘢飲
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Entry #3
Pronunciation: seoi2
Part of Speech: quantifier
  • classifier for the number of wash cycles of an article of clothing
    (Cant.) ni1gin6laang1saam1sai2loeng5seoi2zau6suk1seoi2
    (Eng.) This sweater shrinks after two washes.

  • classifier for trips/journeys or batches of goods
    (Cant.) di1zau2seoi2fo3ge3jat1jat6zau2gei2seoi2sin1gau3pei2
    (Eng.) The parallel traders have to make a few trips per day to earn a living.
    (Cant.) jat1seoi2syun4heoi3zyu1hoi2jiu3gei2noi6
    (Eng.) How long does it take to travel to Zhuhai by boat?
    (Cant.) ni1seoi2fo3jyun4cyun4m4dim6gaan1cong2dim2zou6je5gaa3
    (Eng.) This batch of products is shoddy. What's wrong with the factory?

  • classifier for job shifts or rotations
    (Cant.) nei5dim2dou1jiu3hai2ni1go3bou6mun4lau4jat1seoi2ga3laa3
    (Eng.) You have to stay in this department and work a rotation no matter what.
    (Cant.) ngo5soeng6seoi2hai2noi6fo1gam1seoi2lai4ngoi6fo1haa6seoi2heoi3gwat1fo1
    (Eng.) My last rotation was in internal medicine. I'm coming to surgery this rotation, and I'm going to orthopaedics in the next rotation.

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Entry #4
Pronunciation: seoi2
Part of Speech: noun
short form of "水貨", meaning parallel import goods
(Cant.) nei1bou6sau2gei1hai6hong2ding6seoi2
(Eng.) Is this mobile phone a licensed import or parallel import?
(Cant.) jau5hong2baan2jau5seoi2baan2seoi2zau6peng4saam1gau6
(Eng.) You can choose a licensed or parallel import version. The parallel one saves you 300 bucks.
Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
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Entry #5
Pronunciation: seoi2
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Slang
(Cant.) 回水wui4 seoi2
(Eng.) to issue refund
(Cant.) 掠水loek1 seoi2
(Eng.) to get money by dishonest means, to charge someone excessively
(Cant.) 疊水daap6 seoi2
(Eng.) to be rich, to have a lot of cash
(Cant.) 科水fo1 seoi2
(Eng.) to chip in; to pay money; to provide large subsidies
(Cant.) jat1舊水gau6 seoi2
(Eng.) a hundred dollars
(Cant.) nei5faai3di1wui4seoi2
(Eng.) Give me back my money quickly!
See also: 銀紙 水頭
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Entry #6
Pronunciation: seoi2
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Slang
to deceive; to trick
(Cant.) nei5m4hou2seoi2jan4laa1zoeng1daan1ming4ming4ting1jat6sin1dou3kei4
(Eng.) Hey, don't trick him. The bill is due tomorrow, not today.
Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 欺騙 瞞騙 掩人耳目 揾丁 揾老襯 呃人
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