
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jam2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to drink
    (Cant.) m4hou2jam2gam3do1ho2lok6jan1zyu6zyu3ngaa4aa3
    (Eng.) Don't drink so much coke, otherwise your teeth will decay!
    (Cant.) keoi5jam2zo2loeng5daam6coeng4dou2bing1caa4zau6lam3zo2laa3
    (Eng.) He had just two sips of Long Island Iced Tea, then he passed out.

  • to join a banquet (see 去飲)
    (Cant.) ngo5gam1maan5wui5heoi3jam2biu2go1caan1git3fan1zau2
    (Eng.) I am going to attend my cousin's wedding banquet tonight.
    (Cant.) heoi3jam2gang2hai6zap1leng1di1laa1
    (Eng.) You should dress up for the banquet.

See also: 喝 飲用 飲品
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