
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jam1
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • Yin, a concept in Chinese philosophy, as opposed to Yang ( joeng4), used to refer to concepts commonly associated with earth, darkness, moon, death, femininity, passiveness, negative, etc., when describing natural phenomena that fall into a dichotomy
    (Cant.) 陰性jam1 sing3
    (Eng.) negative
    (Cant.) 陰陽jam1 joeng4
    (Eng.) Yin and Yang

  • the Moon
    (Cant.) 陰曆jam1 lik6
    (Eng.) lunar calendar

  • dim; not bright
    (Cant.) 陰天jam1 tin1
    (Eng.) cloudy day
    (Cant.) 陰涼jam1 loeng4
    (Eng.) cool; not humid

  • underworld; the world of the dead
    (Cant.) 陰間jam1 gaan1
    (Eng.) the underworld
    (Cant.) 陰司紙jam1 si1 zi2
    (Eng.) hell money

  • hidden; secret
    (Cant.) 陰謀jam1 mau4
    (Eng.) conspiracy
    (Cant.) 陰險jam1 him2
    (Eng.) insidious

  • female

  • genitalia
    (Cant.) 陰莖jam1 ging3
    (Eng.) penis
    (Cant.) 陰道jam1 dou6
    (Eng.) vagina
    (Cant.) 陰部jam1 bou6
    (Eng.) genitalia

  • used as suffix of place name, north of a mountain, or south of a river

See also: 蒙上 黑暗 朦朧 昏黑 黑社會 陰間 地府 鬼國 昧 處 隱世 密 幽 分泌 秘密 秘密 秘 乾坤 女性 女子
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「陰 / 𩬎」

Entry #2
  • jam1
  • 𩬎 jam1
Part of Speech: noun
bangs or fringe; hair in front of the forehead (measure word: 擗 / 執)
(Cant.) lau4jam1
(Eng.) to keep the fringe
(Cant.) cai4jam1
(Eng.) straight-across bangs
(Cant.) ping4jam1
(Eng.) straight-across bangs
(Cant.) ce3jam1
(Eng.) side-swept bangs
(Cant.) nei5pet6jam1lyun6zo2aa3nei5so1so1keoi5
(Eng.) Your bangs are messy. You should comb it.
Synonym: Synonym: 瀏海
See also: 瀏海
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: jam1
Part of Speech: noun
Yin, a concept in Chinese philosophy, as opposed to Yang ( joeng4), used to refer to concepts commonly associated with earth, darkness, moon, death, femininity, passiveness, negative, downward, etc., when describing natural phenomena that fall into a dichotomy
(Cant.) jam1cam4
(Eng.) gloomy
(Cant.) jam1jau4
(Eng.) feminine
(Cant.) 陰間jam1 gaan1
(Eng.) hell, nether world
(Cant.) 陰曆jam1 lik6
(Eng.) lunar calendar
Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: jam1
Part of Speech: verb
to trick; to trap; to betray; to treat
(Cant.) m4hou2bei2tiu4tai4muk6jam1dou2aa3
(Eng.) Don't get tricked by the question.
(Cant.) m4hou2lo2di1cin4aa3keoi5jam1nei5zaa3
(Eng.) Don't take the money. He's trying to trap you!
See also: 反水 出賣 困 伏 陷阱 圈套 揾丁 揾老襯
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License