
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zok3 man2
Character Meaning:
write; fabricate; endeavour; product of work; to act; to do; to perform; to write; to compose; to lie; to make up
literary composition; dollar; written language; article; essay; literature; language
Part of Speech: verb
(of students) to write a composition; to compose an article
(Cant.) ming6tai4zok3man2
(Eng.) to write a composition with an assigned title
(Cant.) haa6tong4zok3man2jiu3jyu6bei6jyun4稿gou2zi2
(Eng.) We'll compose essays next lesson, so we need to prepare manuscript paper.
(Cant.) keoi5zeoi3lek1zok3man2daan6hai6kei4sat6keoi5dou1hai6maan6maan2sin1lin6zau6dou2man4bat1
(Eng.) He is good at writing compositions, but in fact he acquires his skills gradually.
See also: 撰文 出卷 實用文 徵文 文言文 範文 詞評 課文 議論文 讀死書 默書 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zok3 man2
Character Meaning:
write; fabricate; endeavour; product of work; to act; to do; to perform; to write; to compose; to lie; to make up
literary composition; dollar; written language; article; essay; literature; language
Part of Speech: noun
composition; essay (measure word: 篇)
(Cant.) zok3man2lin6zaap6
(Eng.) composition exercise
(Cant.) zok3man2tai4muk6
(Eng.) composition topic
See also: 作品 樂曲 成份 文章 論文 文 出卷 實用文 徵文 文言文 範文 詞評 課文 議論文 讀死書 默書 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License