「曬 / 晒」

Entry #1
  • saai3
  • saai3
Part of Speech: verb
  • to expose in the sun; to sunbathe
    (Cant.) saai3saam1
    (Eng.) to dry clothes in the sun
    (Cant.) saai3gon1di1gwo2pei4
    (Eng.) to dry fruit peels in the sun
    (Cant.) keoi5dei6seng4gaa1dou1hou2zung1ji3wu6ngoi6wut6dung6gaa3so2ji5go3go3dou1saai3dou3hou2hak1
    (Eng.) Everyone in their family loves outdoor activities; that's why they're all so tan.

  • to show off; to flaunt
    (Cant.) 曬命saai3 meng6
    (Eng.) to show off one's fortune; to flaunt one's wealth
    (Cant.) nei5dei6jat6jat6dou1tip3di1paak3to1soeng2soeng5mong5zung6m4hai6saai3hang6fuk1
    (Eng.) You post all these dating pictures online every day. Aren't you showing off?
    (Cant.) di1fut3taai2heoi3can1ni1di1coeng4hap6dou1hai6dau3saai3ming4paai4saam1tung4ming4paai4doi2zaa1maa3
    (Eng.) Whenever those rich men's wives attend events, they just compete with each other and flaunt the designer clothes and bags they have.

  • (of photography) to print a photo
    (Cant.) saai34Rsei3 aau1
    (Eng.) to print 4R size
    (Cant.) ni1zoeng1cyun4gaa1fuk1hou2leng3wo3saai3zoeng1bei2je4je2sin1
    (Eng.) This family photo is so well taken! I'll print one for grandpa.

See also: 演嘢 炫耀 show 標榜
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「晒 / 嗮」

Entry #2
  • saai3
  • saai3
  • saai3
Part of Speech: affix
  • entirely; completely; all
    (Cant.) zou6saai3je5mei6aa3
    (Eng.) Have you finished all the work yet?
    (Cant.) keoi5dei6heoi3saai3leoi5hang4mou5jan4hai2uk1kei2
    (Eng.) They all have gone traveling, no one is home.
    (Cant.) ngo5jiu3hai2jat1go3jyut6zi1noi6waan4saai3di1zaai3
    (Eng.) I have to repay the debt in full within a month.
    (Cant.) keoi5dei6loeng5go3dou1git3saai3fan1
    (Eng.) All two of them are married. (Not "Both of them marry with one another.")

  • to a large or even full extent
    (Cant.) waa3do1ze6saai3
    (Eng.) Wow! Thank you so much!
    (Cant.) ni1gei2jat6san1fu2saai3daai6gaa1
    (Eng.) You all have been bothered these few days.
    (Cant.) keoi5haam3saai3giu3ngo5bong1keoi5lou5gung1
    (Eng.) She burst into tears and asked me to help her husband.
    (Cant.) ngo5seon3saai3nei5gaa3laa3
    (Eng.) I fully trust you.

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 所有 悉數 皆 完全 根本 通通 勝 咸 全部 整整 冚唪唥
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「曬 / 晒」

Entry #3
  • saai3
  • saai3
Part of Speech: adjective
under strong sunshine, therefore hot or blinding
(Cant.) ngo5uk1kei2西sai1ce4jat6jat6haa6zau3dou1hou2saai3
(Eng.) My home faces west and it is under strong sunshine every afternoon.
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License