
Entry #1
Pronunciation: biu1 bong2
Character Meaning:
mark; sign; tender; bid; award; prize; superficiality; outward sign; to mark; to grow; to sprint; to gush; to burst forth
list of names
Part of Speech: verb
to advertise; to flaunt; to claim
(Cant.) si5min6soeng6hou2do1zung1joek6dou1biu1bong2zi6gei2hai6jau4cyun4tin1jin4ge3sing4fan6zai3sing4
(Eng.) Lots of herbal medicines sold in the market claim that they are made entirely from natural ingredients.
See also: 宣揚 推廣 賣廣告 炫耀 聲稱 認領 要求 宣稱 秀出 名不副實 名副其實 名過其實 大行其道 奉若神明 掛羊頭賣狗肉 獨樹一格 眾所周知 貨真價實 遠近馳名 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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