
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zing2 zing2
Character Meaning:
to make; the whole; the entire; neat; tidy; organized; well arranged; to create; to repair; to fix; to harass; to annoy; to prank
to make; the whole; the entire; neat; tidy; organized; well arranged; to create; to repair; to fix; to harass; to annoy; to prank
Part of Speech: pronoun
whole; entire; complete; added in front of a number to emphasise an amount or duration
(Cant.) keoi5dei6jung6zo2zing2zing2sap6nin4si4gaan3heoi3jyun4sing4ni1go3gai3waak6
(Eng.) They used a whole ten years to complete this project.
See also: 全體 整體 冚唪唥 完成 完工 竟 KO 搞掂 上吐下瀉 前前後後 前功盡棄 完整無缺 差不多 度日如年 斷斷續續 精疲力盡 精疲力竭 足足 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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