
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zing2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to make; to create
    (Cant.) ngo5zing2zo2go3daan6gou1sung3bei2neoi5pang4jau5
    (Eng.) I made a cake for my girlfriend.
    (Cant.) ngo5zing2zo2go3PowerPointpowerpointlaa3
    (Eng.) I've made the PowerPoint slides.

  • to exert a force to cause an outcome or a change
    (Cant.) 整到zing2 dou2
    (Eng.) to hurt; to injure
    (Cant.) 整親zing2 can1
    (Eng.) to hurt; to injure
    (Cant.) 整傷zing2 soeng1
    (Eng.) to hurt; to injure
    (Cant.) on3mo1si1zing2dou3ngo5bok3tau4sung1saai3hou2syu1fuk6
    (Eng.) The masseuse made my shoulders feel so relaxed, it was really comfortable.
    (Cant.) aa3fai1m4siu2sam1zing2dit3aa3jan1zeoi3zung1ji3go2zek3bui1
    (Eng.) Fai accidentally made Yan's favourite cup fall down.

  • to make minor changes to an object, in order to make something better
    (Cant.) zing2jat1zing2gin6saam1
    (Eng.) to tidy up one's shirt
    (Cant.) zing2haa5go3tau4sin1ceot1gaai1hou2wo3
    (Eng.) You'd better fix your hair before you go out.

  • to repair; to fix
    (Cant.) nei5sik1m4sik1zing2din6si6aa3
    (Eng.) Do you know how to repair televisions?

  • to provide something
    (Cant.) siu2sam1keoi5zing2gin6git6ge3bei2nei5taan3
    (Eng.) Be careful, he may give you something tricky to handle.
    (Cant.) fo2gei3zing2loeng5lung4siu1maai5gwo3lei4aa1
    (Eng.) Waiter, give us two baskets of Siu-mai please.

  • to harass; to annoy
    (Cant.) nei5m4hou2zoi3zing2laa3
    (Eng.) Stop harassing me.

  • to prank
    (Cant.) dang2ngo5zing2haa5lou5baan2sin1
    (Eng.) Let me play a prank on boss.

See also: 整鬼 玩笑 搞 舞 騷擾 搗 修復 修補 彌 修 修理
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zing2
Part of Speech: pronoun
Labels: Mandarin
the whole; the entire
(Chi.) zing2maan5
(Cant.) seng4maan5
(Eng.) the whole night
(Chi.) zing2go3jan4
(Cant.) seng4go3jan4
(Eng.) one's whole body
Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 一體 全部 整整 冚唪唥 所有
Copyrights:© 2019 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: zing2
Part of Speech: morpheme
neat; tidy; organized; well arranged
(Cant.) 整齊
(Eng.) tidy
(Cant.) 整潔
(Eng.) tidy; neat
(Cant.) 整頓
(Eng.) to rectify
(Cant.) 整治
(Eng.) to refresh; to reinvigorate
(Cant.) 整裝待發
(Eng.) to get packed or equipped for a journey or a march
(Cant.) 衣冠不整
(Eng.) not properly dressed
See also: 整齊 整潔 齊整 歪歪斜斜 收拾 執拾 妥善 井然
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License