
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zing2 can1
Character Meaning:
to make; the whole; the entire; neat; tidy; organized; well arranged; to create; to repair; to fix; to harass; to annoy; to prank
parent; dear; whenever; related by birth; in person; personally; relative; dad, mum; to kiss
Part of Speech: verb
to hurt; to injure; usually accidentally or carelessly
(Cant.) keoi5zing2can1zek3sau2
(Eng.) He injured his hand.
Synonym: Synonym: 整傷 整到
See also: 打擊 傷害 傷及 傷者 負傷 上吐下瀉 冷親 凍親 扁桃腺 手尾長 打乞嗤 整傷 積勞成疾 胳肋底 舉目無親 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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