
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cyun4
Part of Speech: pronoun
complete; whole; entire; full; all
(Cant.) 全世界cyun4 sai3 gaai3
(Eng.) the whole world
(Cant.) 全天候cyun4 tin1 hau6
(Eng.) all the time
(Cant.) 全程cyun4 cing4
(Eng.) the whole journey
(Cant.) 全國cyun4 gwok3
(Eng.) the entire country
(Cant.) 全名cyun4 meng2
(Eng.) full name
(Cant.) 全馬cyun4 maa5
(Eng.) full marathon
(Cant.) cyun4baan2gwong2gou3
(Eng.) a page-long advertisement
(Cant.) cyun4go3hong4jip6dou1min6deoi3zyu6seoi1kau4wai2suk1ge3kwan3ging2
(Eng.) The whole industry is struggling with contraction of demand.
Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 完成 完工 竟 KO 整整 全體 整體 冚唪唥 全稱 滿 十足 沛 勝 咸 所有 全部
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