
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haam4 zip3
Character Meaning:

to catch; to receive; to touch; to get close to; to welcome; to meet; to substitute; to replace; to continue; to take hold of; to collect somebody; to pick somebody up
Part of Speech: verb
to bridge; to link up
(Cant.) haam4zip3fo3cing4
(Eng.) bridging course
(Cant.) haam4zip3hok6si6hok6wai2
(Eng.) top-up degree
(Cant.) gan2mat6haam4zip3
(Eng.) to link up seamlessly
(Cant.) goi2sin6zung1hok6kap6daai6zyun1gaau3juk6ge3haam4zip3
(Eng.) to improve the transition from secondary school to tertiary education
See also: 橋樑 拱橋 取長補短 合而為一 嫁接 承上啓下 珠胎暗結 相輔相成 融會貫通 起承轉合 轉接 齊頭並進 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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