
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zip3 lik6
Character Meaning:
to catch; to receive; to touch; to get close to; to welcome; to meet; to substitute; to replace; to continue; to take hold of; to pick somebody up
strength; powerfully; forcefully; strongly; physical strength; effort; force
Part of Speech: verb
to work in relay
(Cant.) ngo5co5zo2gei2go3zung1hou2gui6laa3jau5mou5jan4lai4zip3lik6aa3
(Eng.) I've been sitting here for hours and I'm worn out. Is anyone coming to take over?
See also: 一呼百應 並肩作戰 乘勝追擊 以逸待勞 再接再厲 前赴後繼 同心合力 群策群力 自告奮勇 鼎力支持 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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