
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dak1
Part of Speech: affix
  • used after a verb to mean "it is okay" or "it is alright" to do something
    (Cant.) ngo5m4jam2dak1zau2
    (Eng.) I can't drink.
    (Cant.) bei2ngo5tau2haa5dak1m4dak1aa3
    (Eng.) Can you give me a break?

  • a structural particle used to join a verb with various kinds of complements showing degree or result of an action
    (Cant.) keoi5paau2dak1hou2faai3
    (Eng.) He's running fast. / He runs fast.
    (Cant.) di1fo3heoi3dak1hou2faai3
    (Eng.) The goods are selling out fast.
    (Cant.) nei5nam2dak1taai3do1laa3
    (Eng.) You are thinking too much.

  • to have even done; to have gone so far as to (only used in subordinate clauses to emphasise the importance of an action)
    (Cant.) jing1sing4dak1zau6m4ho2ji5faan2hau2
    (Eng.) Having (gone so far as to have) agreed on this, I cannot break my promise.
    (Cant.) bou3dak1meng2ge3jan4ngo5dou1jyu6zo2lai4gaa3laa3
    (Eng.) For those who have registered, I expect them to show up.
    (Cant.) zou6dak1jat1joeng6m4zaang1zoi6zou6do1joeng6laa1
    (Eng.) Having completed one, you shouldn't mind doing just to do one more.

Synonym: Synonym:
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: dak1
Part of Speech: adjective
  • okay; acceptable
    (Cant.) dak1m4dak1gaa3
    (Eng.) Is that okay?

  • used to express ability, possibility of or permitted to doing something; can; able to
    (Cant.) dak1ngo5zik1hak1lai4
    (Eng.) OK! I'm coming right away.
    (Cant.) seon3ngo5laa1nei5dak1ge3
    (Eng.) Trust me, you can do it.
    (Cant.) m4dak1aa3ngo5gam1maan5m4dak1haan4
    (Eng.) No, that's not okay. I'm not free tonight!

  • great; good
    (Cant.) go2tiu4neoi2hou2dak1aa3
    (Eng.) She's so attractive!
    (Cant.) ni1zek3joek6hou2dak1aa3sik6jyun4hou2zo2hou2do1
    (Eng.) This drug is good. After taking it I feel much better now.

See also: 冇研究 好啦 ok 接納 accept 能夠 罐裝 偉大 彪炳 偉 可以 本事
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: dak1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to only have
    (Cant.) ni1dou6dak1faan1ng5go3jan4
    (Eng.) There are only five people left here.
    (Cant.) ngo5ji4gaa1dak1sap6man1hai2san1m4gau3bei2cin2wo3
    (Eng.) I only have ten dollars with me. I don't have enough money to pay.

  • placed after another verb to express limit or restriction of quantity
    (Cant.) ngo5sik6dak1saam1wun2faan6
    (Eng.) I only ate three bowls of rice.

Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: dak1
Part of Speech: noun
advantage; gain
(Cant.) jau5dak1bat1gwo3dou1jau5sat1
(Eng.) There's gain, but there's also loss.
See also: 便宜 裨益 優點 上風 益 升 得到 深受
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #5
Pronunciation: dak1
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to equal to; used in the multiplication song
    (Cant.) ji6ng5dak1jat1sap6
    (Eng.) two times five is ten
    (Cant.) ji6ji6dak1sei3ji6ji6jyu4sei3
    (Eng.) two times two is four (usually the word jyu4 is used instead)

  • to receive; to get
    (Cant.) 得到dak1 dou3
    (Eng.) to get; to obtain
    (Cant.) 獲得wok6 dak1
    (Eng.) to receive; to get
    (Cant.) seon3je4sou1dak1wing5sang1
    (Eng.) Believe in Jesus and (you will) get an eternal life.

  • to calculate; to compute
    (Cant.) 得出dak1 ceot1
    (Eng.) to obtain a result; to reach a conclusion
    (Cant.) kau4dak1
    (Eng.) to find

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 推算 計算 盤算 統計 打電腦 腦 計算機 受 招待 領 接收
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