eng:if; in case of; in event of; usually #如果 jyu4 gwo2 in speech
yue:如有查詢,請致電熱線。 (jyu4 jau5 caa4 seon1, ceng2 zi3 din6 jit6 sin3.)
eng:If there is any inquiry, please call the hotline.
zho:被告如不服判決,可在十日內提出上訴。 (bei6 gou3 jyu4 bat1 fuk6 pun3 kyut3, ho2 zoi6 sap6 jat6 noi6 tai4 ceot1 soeng6 sou3.)
yue:如果被告唔服個判決,可以喺十日之內提出上訴。 (jyu4 gwo2 bei6 gou3 m4 fuk6 go3 pun3 kyut3, ho2 ji5 hai2 sap6 jat6 zi1 noi6 tai4 ceot1 soeng6 sou3.)
eng:If the defendant is not happy with the court's decision, he can appeal within ten days.