
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gai3 syun3 gei1
Character Meaning:
to count; solution; to calculate; to accord to
calculate; nevermind; to tally; to analyze; to let it be; to let it pass; to forget it; to be counted as; to be regarded
machine; aircraft; aeroplane; chance; opportunity
Part of Speech: noun
  • calculator

  • computer; however the term 電腦 is more commonly used
    (Cant.) gai3syun3gei1gung1cing4
    (Eng.) computer engineering

See also: cal機 計數機 腦 電子計算機 電腦 推算 計算 盤算 統計 打電腦 列印機 四則運算 壓縮機 智能手機 硬碟機 磁碟機 電子磅 電子鎖 電機工程 電腦程式 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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