
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ho2 ji5
Character Meaning:
can, may; can; may; to be able to; -able; right?
based on; take...as...; with; by means of; to take ... (as); to use; to regard ... as; according to; with reference to
Part of Speech: verb
  • (under the particular circumstance) may; can; to be able to; similar to post-verbal dou2
    (Cant.) ngo5ji4gaa1hou2mong5m4ho2ji5tung4nei5king1
    (Eng.) I'm very busy right at the moment. I can't talk to you.

  • can; to be able to (in terms of ability); similar to post-verbal dou2
    (Cant.) keoi5jat1caan1ho2ji5sik6ng5wun2faan6gaa3
    (Eng.) He can eat five bowls of rice in a meal.
    (Cant.) keoi5jat1ci3gwo3ho2ji5ling1dou2sap6zek3seoi2bui1
    (Eng.) He can hold ten cups at a time.

  • can be used to; similar to post-verbal dou2
    (Cant.) ni1bou6gei1ho2ji5tai2DVDdi1 wi1 di1gaa3
    (Eng.) This machine can be used to play DVDs.
    (Cant.) keoi5ho2ji5bong1sau2daa2zi6wo3
    (Eng.) He can help with typing.

  • allowed to; may; similar to dak1
    (Cant.) gwo3zo2sap6jat1dim2zing6hai6neoi5zai2sin1ho2ji5jap6lai4gaa3
    (Eng.) Only girls are allowed to come in after eleven o'clock.
    (Cant.) nei5m4ho2ji5gam3cou1lou5gaa3
    (Eng.) You should not be rude to others!
    (Cant.) nei5ho2ji5lai4ngo5mou5so2wai6
    (Eng.) You may come. I am fine with it.

  • used to volunteer to do something (that one can manage); can
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6ho2ji5aan3di1sin1lai4
    (Eng.) We can come later.
    (Cant.) ngo5ho2ji5ting1jat6zau2zi1cin4lai4gin3nei5
    (Eng.) I can see you tomorrow before I leave.

See also: 五月 可能 能夠 罐裝 可能 如果 應該 或者 所以 有何不可 無可無不可 能夠 需要 須要 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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