
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daai6 fong1
Character Meaning:
big; to grow up; to intimidate; to bluff; intensely; greatly; fully; on a large scale; number two; university; large; old in age; older; senior
square; party; group; side; rectangular
Part of Speech: adjective
  • generous; open-handed; liberal with money
    (Cant.) lou5baan2ceot1sau2hou2daai6fong1
    (Eng.) The boss is generous with his money.
    (Cant.) keoi5jung6cin2mei6min5gwo3fan6daai6fong1wo3
    (Eng.) He is rather too liberal with his money.

  • liberal; broad-minded; gracious
    (Cant.) keoi5hou2daai6fong1gam2sing4jing6zi6gei2jau5co3
    (Eng.) He admitted in a broad-minded way, that he has made a mistake.
    (Cant.) jin6jam6zung2tung2daai6fong1gam2sing4jing6ging3syun2sat1baai6bing6ce2ji4gaau1kyun4lik6
    (Eng.) The incumbent President graciously conceded and handed over power.

  • (of one's appearance and behaviours) decent; proper; well-arranged
    (Cant.) ji1zoek3daai6fong1
    (Eng.) to dress in good taste
    (Cant.) daai6fong1ge3taam4tou3tung4geoi2zi2
    (Eng.) decent speech and behaviours

See also: 寬 疏爽 寬大 慨 豪氣 開放 化 開明 開通 不亢不卑 不拘小節 光明正大 大義凜然 小鳥依人 平易近人 彬彬有禮 得體 理直氣壯 通情達理 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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