「噉 / 咁」

Entry #1
  • gam2
  • gam2
Part of Speech: pronoun
  • this; in this manner; in this way
    (Cant.) dim2gaai2wui5hai6gam2ge2
    (Eng.) Why is it like this?
    (Cant.) nei5gam2gong2zau6m4gung1ping4laa3
    (Eng.) Your way of putting it is unfair.
    (Cant.) so2ji5ngo5jat1zik6dou1mou5gam2zou6
    (Eng.) That's why I have never done this.
    (Cant.) gam2nei5zau6m4ngaam1laa3
    (Eng.) Then that's your fault!

  • used with a phrase to describe an action
    (Cant.) keoi5fong3maan6saai3dung6zok3gam2zou6
    (Eng.) He slowed himself down.
    (Cant.) ngo5zing6zing2gai1gam2syu2zau2zo2
    (Eng.) I slipped away quietly.

  • like
    (Cant.) 牛噉眼ngau4 gam2 ngaan5
    (Eng.) to stare
    (Cant.) 四萬噉口sei2 maan6 gam2 hau2
    (Eng.) used to describe a broadly smiling face
    (Cant.) 年初四噉嘅樣nin4 co1 sei3 gam2 ge3 joeng2
    (Eng.) wearing a long face
    (Cant.) zoek3dou3seng4zek3zoek2gam2
    (Eng.) to be well-dressed; literally: to wear like a bird

  • seems (added after the predicate)
    (Cant.) hou2ci5wui5hou2do1jan4gam2
    (Eng.) It seems that it's going to be crowded.
    (Cant.) hou2maan6gam2wo3
    (Eng.) It seems slow.
    (Cant.) gei2dak1ji3gam2wo3
    (Eng.) It seems interesting.

Synonym: Synonym: 噉樣
See also: 這麼 今期 呢個 斯 如 有意思 般 如同 像 顯得 樣子 好似
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「噉 / 咁」

Entry #2
  • gam2
  • gam2
  • gaam2
  • gan2
Part of Speech: affix
  • used after a verb or an adjective, often monosyllabic, to signify incompleteness of the process regarding the object; when placed after an adjective, it precedes the suffix di1 ("a bit") which forms comparatives; when the object is a noun phrase, it must be modified with a classifier
    (Cant.) bong1ngo5sik6gam2di1faan6aa1
    (Eng.) Could you help me finish up my serving of rice?
    (Cant.) can3zyu6jau5di1cin2faai3di1waan4gam2di1lei6sik1
    (Eng.) You should pay some of the interest early, as you still have some money.
    (Cant.) dang2ngo5sik6gam2loeng5go3caang2sin1
    (Eng.) I'll eat two more oranges.
    (Cant.) ngo5bei2gam2hou2do1nei5laa3
    (Eng.) I've already given you a lot (though not all yet).
    (Cant.) maa4maa4go3beng6hou2gam2di1laa3
    (Eng.) Granny is getting a bit better.
    (Cant.) ji4gaa1ji5ging1zau2gam2di1jan4laa3
    (Eng.) A number of people already start leaving.

  • to fall behind or to fail to meet the expectation, though there is already a certain amount or extent
    (Cant.) siu2gam2go3wai2
    (Eng.) still to lack a seat
    (Cant.) cai4jan4mei6hou2ci5zaang1gam2go3wo3
    (Eng.) Is everyone present? I think we are missing one.
    (Cant.) zek3ziu1m4gin3gam2gyut6ge2nei5sik6zo2aa4
    (Eng.) Where's the other half of my banana? Did you eat it?
    (Cant.) ngaang2hai6zaang1gam2di1je5
    (Eng.) Something is just not right.
    (Cant.) gam1jat6di1saang1ji3siu2gam2di1wo3
    (Eng.) Business today is slower than expected.
    (Cant.) mou5di1jam1ngok6hei3fan1dou1hai6zaang1gam2di1
    (Eng.) When there's no music to stir up the atmosphere, it feels like something is missing.

Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: gam3
Part of Speech: pronoun
  • so; that; used in front of a gradable adjective when the extent is known, or when forming a comment or question about the description
    (Cant.) dim2gaai2nei5wui5gam3ceon2gaa3
    (Eng.) Why are you so stupid?
    (Cant.) nei5gei2si4bin3dou3gam3sing4suk6gaa3
    (Eng.) Since when did you become so mature?
    (Cant.) gam3do1jan4ge2
    (Eng.) Why is it so crowded?
    (Cant.) gam3gwai3ngo5maai5m4hei2wo3
    (Eng.) I can't afford it if it's that expensive
    (Cant.) gam3noi6mou5gin3jing1goi1hou2do1je5king1
    (Eng.) They haven't seen each other for such a long time; they must have plenty to talk about.

  • so; such; like; usually used with 好似 to describe the extent of the following adjective or adverb by comparing it with another expression
    (Cant.) 豬咁蠢zyu1 gam3 ceon2
    (Eng.) very stupid; literally: as stupid as a pig
    (Cant.) 人情紙咁薄jan4 cing4 zi2 gam3 bok6
    (Eng.) human decency is rare in relationships between people; literally "human decency is as thin as paper"
    (Cant.) 七國咁亂cat1 gwok3 gam3 lyun6
    (Eng.) in a total mess; in total chaos; literally: as chaotic as the Seven Warring States
    (Cant.) keoi5gam1jat6鬼火咁靚gwai2 fo2 gam3 leng3
    (Eng.) She looks stunning today.
    (Cant.) go2luk1gwan3hou2ci5ceng1gwaa1gam3cou1
    (Eng.) That stick was as thick as a cucumber.

See also: 於是 唔知 如此 那麼 這麼 如 有意思 般 如同
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「噉 / 咁」

Entry #4
  • gam2
  • gam2
Part of Speech: expression
well; then
(Cant.) nei5jat1go3jan2zyu6hai2hoeng1gong2aa4gam2nei5jau5mou5gwaa3zyu6uk1kei2jan4aa3
(Eng.) You live in Hong Kong on your own? Do you miss your family then?
(Cant.) gam2ngo5dou1hai6lau4hai2uk1kei2laa3
(Eng.) If that's the case, I'm staying home then.
(Cant.) gam2aa4ting1jat6sin1syun3lo1
(Eng.) If that's really so, let's leave it until tomorrow.
See also: 無恙 良好 優良 好好 接着 嗰陣 當時 然之後 然後
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License