
Entry #1
Pronunciation: heoi2
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
a surname, usually transliterated as "Hui"
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: heoi2
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to agree; to allow
    (Cant.) 許可heoi2 ho2
    (Eng.) to approve
    (Cant.) 准許zeon2 heoi2
    (Eng.) to allow
    (Cant.) 允許wan5 heoi2
    (Eng.) to allow
    (Cant.) 許配heoi2 pui3
    (Eng.) to betroth a girl (in arranged marriages)

  • to promise
    (Cant.) 許諾heoi2 nok6
    (Eng.) to promise

  • to approve; to praise
    (Cant.) 嘉許gaa1 heoi2
    (Eng.) to praise; to approve
    (Cant.) 讚許zaan3 heoi2
    (Eng.) to praise

  • to expect
    (Cant.) #期許kei4 heoi2
    (Eng.) to expect
    (Cant.) 許願heoi2 jyun6
    (Eng.) to make a wish

See also: 認同 贊成 贊同 開綠燈 允許 應承 諾 許諾 答應 批 讚揚 頌讚 表揚 讚美
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: heoi2
Part of Speech: morpheme
Labels: Mandarin
  • maybe; perhaps; probably
    (Chi.) 也許jaa5 heoi2
    (Cant.) 或者waak6 ze2
    (Cant.) 可能ho2 nang4
    (Eng.) maybe; perhaps; probably
    (Chi.) 或許waak6 heoi2
    (Cant.) 或者waak6 ze2
    (Eng.) maybe; perhaps; probably

  • a little/ few approximate amount
    (Chi.) 少許siu2 heoi2
    (Cant.) 少少siu2 siu2
    (Eng.) a little; a few
    (Chi.) se1heoi2
    (Cant.) 啲啲dit1 dit1
    (Eng.) a little; a few

  • this (way); so
    (Chi.) 許多heoi2 do1
    (Cant.) 好多hou2 do1
    (Eng.) many
    (Chi.) jyu4heoi2
    (Cant.) jyu4ci2
    (Eng.) so; such; in this way; like that

  • what
    (Chi.) ho4heoi2jan4
    (Cant.) 邊個bin1 go3
    (Eng.) who

See also: 分分鐘 説不定 或許 或者 多數 隨時 多半 這麼 今期 呢個
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: heoi2
Part of Speech: affix
Labels: Mandarin
used after a base numeral, such as (sap6, ten) and (baak3, hundred), or a classifier to express a small, remaining approximate quantity
(Chi.) ng5si4heoi2
(Cant.) ng5dim2leng4
(Eng.) five something
(Chi.) jat1baak3heoi2jan4
(Cant.) jat1baak3leng4jan4
(Eng.) two hundred-odd people
Synonym: Synonym:
See also:
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