
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mat1 je5
Character Meaning:
thing; matter; stuff
Part of Speech: pronoun
  • what; interrogative pronoun used to enquire about something unclear
    (Cant.) nei5zou6gan2mat1je5aa3
    (Eng.) What are you doing?
    (Cant.) mat1je5hai6tung1fo3paang4zoeng3aa3
    (Eng.) What is inflation?

  • what; what kind of; interrogative pronoun used as a modifier to request more detailed information about the specific thing that is modified
    (Cant.) ni1bun2hai6mat1je5syu1lai4gaa3
    (Eng.) What book is this?

  • used as a gap-filler or placeholder when one cannot find the right word or when one wants to avoid mentioning something
    (Cant.) go2go3mat1je5aa3haa6ci3ling1bei2ngo5aa1
    (Eng.) That thing, whatever it's called... can you bring it to me next time?

  • whatever; usually followed by dou1
    (Cant.) nei5jiu3mat1je5ngo5dou1wui5bei2nei5
    (Eng.) I will give you whatever you ask for.

  • used to form rhetorical questions so as to express disapproval, dismay, or astonishment
    (Cant.) ni1di1mat1je5jing1man2lai4gaa3
    (Eng.) What kind of English is that?

Synonym: Synonym: 咩嘢
See also: 乜料 甚麼 隨得 凡事 橫九掂十 任何 乜料 乜鬼 人哋 佢哋 係咪 呢啲 咁樣 嘅嘢 邊個 點樣 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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