
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dou1
Part of Speech: adverb
  • too; also
    (Cant.) ngo5dou1zung1ji3sik6zu1gu1lik1
    (Eng.) I love chocolate too.

  • all
    (Cant.) keoi5sei3go3zai2neoi5dou1sai3gwo3sap6seoi3
    (Eng.) Her four children are all under the age of ten.

  • still
    (Cant.) haau2si5sing4zik1dou1OKou1 kei1
    (Eng.) The exam result is not bad.
    (Cant.) loeng6nei5dou1m4gam2
    (Eng.) I believe you dare not.
    (Cant.) ngo5waa6gwo3keoi5hou2do1ci3gaa3laak3daan6hai6keoi5dou1hai6gam2
    (Eng.) I've told him off for many times, but he's still like that.

  • already
    (Cant.) nei5aa3je4dou1baat3sap6seoi3laak3m4hou2seng4jat6gik1keoi5laa1
    (Eng.) Your grandfather is already eighty, don't make him crazy.

  • used in front of a predicate that describes a situation, in order to bring out a subsequent question or deduction
    (Cant.) nei5dou1m4heoi3tai2ji1sang1dim2wui5hou2faan1zek1
    (Eng.) How could you possibly get better if you don't go to see a doctor?

See also: 亦 也 亦都 過於 並 勝 咸 所有 全部 依舊 還是 依然 固有 便 已經 經已
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: dou1
Part of Speech: morpheme
capital or important city
(Cant.) 首都sau2 dou1
(Eng.) capital
(Cant.) 陪都pui4 dou1
(Eng.) provisional capital
(Cant.) 遷都cin1 dou1
(Eng.) to move the capital (to another place)
(Cant.) daai6都會dou1 wui6
(Eng.) metropolis
(Cant.) aa3zau1cong3ji3zi1dou1
(Eng.) Asia's creative capital
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License