
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaai2
Part of Speech: verb
to explain
(Cant.) 解夢gaai2 mung6
(Eng.) to explain a dream
(Cant.) ni1tai4sou3jau5hou2do1tung4hok6zou6co3ngo5gaai2jat1ci3bei2daai6gaa1teng1
(Eng.) Many of you failed to answer this question. I will explain it to you.
See also: 解説 解釋 交代
Copyrights:© 2019 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gaai2
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to separate; to dismisse; to disintegration
    (Cant.) 解散gaai2 saan3
    (Eng.) to dismiss
    (Cant.) fei1gei1解體gaai2 tai2
    (Eng.) aircraft disintegration

  • to release; to remove
    (Cant.) 寬衣解帶fun1 ji1 gaai2 daai2
    (Eng.) to take off your clothes

  • to free one from discomfort situation; to remove discomforts
    (Cant.) 解酒gaai2 zau2
    (Eng.) to eliminate the alcohol

  • to understand; to be informed
    (Cant.) 了解liu5 gaai2
    (Eng.) to understand

See also: 隔絕 分隔 分開 阻隔 放 放開 放走 解除 剝 排除 掃除
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License