
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fong3 zau2
Character Meaning:
to put; to release; bold; unbridled; free; uninhibited; to place; to let go; to have; to go through; to walk one's pet; to graze; to emit; to expose; to sell
to leave; to walk; to run; to move quickly; to pass away; to decease; to go to and fro; to transport; to transact
Part of Speech: verb
to release; to let go; to set free
(Cant.) keoi5waa6zek3zoek3zai2bei2jan4wan3zyu6hou2ho2lin4gan1zyu6zau6fong3zau2zo2keoi5laa3
(Eng.) He said the bird was so pitiful of being caged, and then he set it free.
See also: 放 放開 放手 放下 排放 一網成擒 一網打盡 全走 捉拿 揚長而去 放虎歸山 殺人滅口 破門而入 逃之夭夭 開走 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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