
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haang4
Part of Speech: verb
  • to walk; to use one's legs to move forward
    (Cant.) nei5jiu3haang4gei2tiu4gaai1sin1jau5dei6tit3zaam6
    (Eng.) You need to walk along several streets to get to the MTR station.
    (Cant.) ngo5haang4faan1uk1kei2
    (Eng.) I walked back home.
    (Cant.) haang4faai3di1laa1ci4dou3laa3
    (Eng.) Walk faster. We are late!

  • to browse; to stroll and enjoy oneself by looking around
    (Cant.) 行公司haang4 gung1 si1
    (Eng.) to look around the shops (you may or may not buy anything)
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6mui5nin4dou1wui5heoi3haang4nin4siu1
    (Eng.) We go to the New Year's market to look around every year.

  • (of vehicles on the land or sea) to run; to move
    (Cant.) 行船haang4 syun2
    (Eng.) to make a living on a boat/ship; literally: to run a boat/ship
    (Cant.) gaa3baa1si2haang4dou3bun3lou2baau3taai1
    (Eng.) The tyre of the bus burst in the midway.

  • to adopt; to take; to put into practice
    (Cant.) 行得通haang4 dak1 tung1
    (Eng.) to work; to be feasible; to be able to be executed
    (Cant.) 行蠱惑haang4 gu2 waak6
    (Eng.) to live as a triad member
    (Cant.) haang4jing1zai3
    (Eng.) to follow the U.K.'s system
    (Cant.) jing1gwok3haang4gwan1zyu2laap6hin3
    (Eng.) The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.

  • to get along with someone, usually one's lover, and maintain the relationship
    (Cant.) keoi5dei6ni1paai4haang4dak1hou2maai4
    (Eng.) They've been growing closer these days.
    (Cant.) ngo5m4zi1dim2tung4ngo5ling6jat1bun3haang4lok6heoi3
    (Eng.) I have no idea how to get along with my significant other.
    (Cant.) mei5kei4tung4keoi5naam4pang4jau5haang4zo2hou2noi6dou1gan6ng5nin4laa3
    (Eng.) Mei-kei and her boyfriend have been together for quite a long time; it's bordering on five years already.

  • to move a chess piece
    (Cant.) maa5haang4jat6zoeng6haang4tin4
    (Eng.) (In Chinese chess) the knight moves in the shape of the character 日, the elephant moves in the shape of the character 田

See also: 閲覽 瀏覽 眉頭 招 行動 舉動 採 採取 通過 採用 收養
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: hong2 hong4
Part of Speech: noun
"hong"; a shop; a firm; a place doing business (measure word: 間)
(Cant.) mai5loeng4hong2
(Eng.) Chinese-style grocery store
(Cant.) 銀行ngan4 hong4
(Eng.) bank
(Cant.) 車行ce1 hong2
(Eng.) motorcar company
(Cant.) 商行soeng1 hong2
(Eng.) trading company; commercial firm
(Cant.) 公證行gung1 zing3 hong2
(Eng.) claims adjuster
(Cant.) 律師行leot6 si1 hong2
(Eng.) law firm
(Cant.) 貿易行mau6 jik6 hong2
(Eng.) trading company
(Cant.) zung1zi1hong2
(Eng.) Chinese-funded firm
(Cant.) 大行daai6 hong2
(Eng.) major firms
See also: 商行 剛強 firm
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: hong2
Part of Speech: adjective
  • perfunctory; without trying seriously; without putting in much effort
    (Cant.) ni1go3cit3gai3hou2hong2lo1goi2goi2keoi5dak1m4dak1
    (Eng.) This design seems bland. Can you modify it?
    (Cant.) daap3dak1gam3hong2ge2
    (Eng.) Why did you give such a lackadaisical answer?

  • (of a good) licensed for import (as opposed to parallel imports)
    (Cant.) nei1bou6sau2gei1hai6hong2ding6seoi2
    (Eng.) Is this mobile phone a licensed or parallel import?
    (Cant.) jau5hong2baan2jau5seoi2baan2seoi2zau6peng4saam1gau6
    (Eng.) You can choose a licensed or parallel import version; the parallel one saves you 300 bucks.

See also: 敷衍 敷衍 草率
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: hong4
Part of Speech: noun
industry; profession
(Cant.) 行內hong4 noi6
(Eng.) within the industry
(Cant.) 行行出狀元hong4 hong4 ceot1 zong6 jyun4
(Eng.) One can become an outstanding person regardless of their field.
(Cant.) zou6ni1hong4hou2san1fu2
(Eng.) It's hard to thrive in this industry.
(Cant.) ni1hong4hou2do1ging3zang1
(Eng.) This industry has lots of competition.
See also: 業 產業 行頭 實業 工 生涯 勤勞 自稱 信教 宣稱
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「行 / 衡」

Entry #5
  • hang4
  • hang4
  • hang4
Part of Speech: adjective
to the peak or the limit
(Cant.) zaat3hang4maa5
(Eng.) to resist firmly; to be well prepared for a fight
(Cant.) guk1hang4
(Eng.) to boost to the limit
(Cant.) cung1hang4
(Eng.) to rush in maximum speed; to hurry with full strength
(Cant.) tiu4zoeng6gan1ce2dou3hou2hang4
(Eng.) The rubber band is stretched very tight.
Synonym: Synonym:
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Entry #6
Pronunciation: hong4
Part of Speech: quantifier
a line; a row
(Cant.) jat1muk6sap6hong4
(Eng.) to read ten lines at a glance; reading fast
(Cant.) jat1baan1hok6saang1paai4sing4loeng5hong4
(Eng.) Students are lined up in two rows.
See also: 行列 迾
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #7
Pronunciation: hang4
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • trip
    (Cant.) hoeng1gong2zi1hang4
    (Eng.) trip to Hong Kong
    (Cant.) sam1dou6hang4
    (Eng.) deep travel

  • performance; action
    (Cant.) 行為hang4 wai4
    (Eng.) behaviour
    (Cant.) 行動hang4 dung6
    (Eng.) action
    (Cant.) 言行jin4 hang4
    (Eng.) speech and acts/behaviours
    (Cant.) 坐言起行zo6 jin4 hei2 hang4
    (Eng.) to walk the talk at once

See also: 跌跤 躂 航程 趟 旅途 性能 show 表現 政績 動作 行動 行徑 藝員
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #8
Pronunciation: hang6
Part of Speech: morpheme
behaviour; often at the end of a word
(Cant.) 品行ban2 hang6
(Eng.) morals and conduct
(Cant.) 操行cou1 hang6
(Eng.) a student's conduct
(Cant.) 德行dak1 hang6
(Eng.) morality
(Cant.) 道行dou6 hang6
(Eng.) skills and experience
(Cant.) 暴行bou6 hang6
(Eng.) savage act
(Cant.) 獸行sau3 hang6
(Eng.) bestial act
(Cant.) 惡行ok3 hang6
(Eng.) vice; evil
See also: 舉止 行為 行徑
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License