
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bun1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to take something from one place to another; to move
    (Cant.) 搬屋bun1 uk1
    (Eng.) to move (place of living)
    (Cant.) m4goi1nei5zoeng1zoeng1dang3bun1heoi3go2dou6aa1
    (Eng.) Could you please move the chair over there?

  • to move (to another place for living or for work)
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6ngaam1ngaam1bun1jap6lai4gaa3zaa3
    (Eng.) We've just moved in.

  • to adjust
    (Cant.) ni1tou3zit3muk6sau1si6maa4maa4din6si6toi4sok3sing3zoeng1keoi5bun1heoi3sing1kei4luk6sam1je5bo3
    (Eng.) The progamme is rather unpopular, so the television station decides to make it on air on Saturday midnight instead.

  • figuratively: to apply or implement something in another place
    (Cant.) mau5di1san1ji4man4mou5si6hoeng1gong2ge3sang1wut6fong1sik1zoeng1keoi5dei6go2tou3ziu3bun1lei4hoeng1gong2jung6
    (Eng.) Some new immigrants ignore the lifestyle of Hong Kong, and simply maintain theirs instead.

See also: 扚 觸動 遷移 調劑 調整 調
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