
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haang4 syun2 haang4 syun4
Character Meaning:
to walk; profession; behaviour; okay; a line; a row; trip; performance; action; industry; perfunctory; "hong"; a shop; a firm; to browse; to move; to adopt; to take; dry
ship; boat; college scholarship
Part of Speech: verb
to make a living on a boat/ship
(Cant.) ngo5aa3gung1ji5cin4haang4syun2ge3
(Eng.) My grandfather was a seaman.
(Cant.) keoi5heoi3zo2haang4syun2bun3nin4sin1faan1uk1kei2jat1ci3
(Eng.) He is serving a tour and only comes home every half-year.
See also: 出海口 吊船 拖船 渡口 船家 貨櫃船 賊船 郵船 開船 駁船 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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