
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dong1
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to work as; to serve as; to undertake
    (Cant.) 當更dong1 gaang1
    (Eng.) to be on duty
    (Cant.) 好仔唔當差hou2 zai2 m4 dong1 caai1
    (Eng.) "good men don't join the police"

  • to bear or to take up responsibility in general
    (Cant.) 當值dong1 zik6
    (Eng.) to be on duty
    (Cant.) 當權dong1 kyun4
    (Eng.) to be in power
    (Cant.) 當家dong1 gaa1
    (Eng.) to manage a household
    (Cant.) 當政dong1 zing3
    (Eng.) to hold office
    (Cant.) 當局dong1 guk6
    (Eng.) the relevant authorities
    (Cant.) 擔當daam1 dong1
    (Eng.) to bear responsibility
    (Cant.) 一人做事一人當jat1 jan4 zou6 si6 jat1 jan4 dong1
    (Eng.) one should answer for what one does

  • to face; to be situated in
    (Cant.) 當頭棒喝dong1 tau4 paang5 hot3
    (Eng.) wake-up call
    (Cant.) 首當其衝sau2 dong1 kei4 cung1
    (Eng.) to be the first to be affected
    (Cant.) 當代dong1 doi6
    (Eng.) contemporary
    (Cant.) 當前dong1 cin4
    (Eng.) presently; currently
    (Cant.) 當地dong1 dei6
    (Eng.) that place
    (Cant.) 正當zing3 dong1
    (Eng.) while; just at
    (Cant.) 當初dong1 co1
    (Eng.) initially; at that time
    (Cant.) 當時dong1 si4
    (Eng.) at that time; at that moment
    (Cant.) 當日dong1 jat6
    (Eng.) that very day
    (Cant.) 當年dong1 nin4
    (Eng.) in those days
    (Cant.) 當機立斷dong1 gei1 laap6 dyun6
    (Eng.) to promptly make a decision

  • to mutually align in some respect
    (Cant.) 當然dong1 jin4
    (Eng.) certainly; of course
    (Cant.) 應當jing1 dong1
    (Eng.) obligatory
    (Cant.) 門當户對mun4 dong1 wu6 deoi3
    (Eng.) (of a married couple) well-matched
    (Cant.) 當時得令dong1 si4 dak1 ling6
    (Eng.) timely; opportune
    (Cant.) 當之無愧dong1 zi1 mou4 kwai5
    (Eng.) well-deserving of a title
    (Cant.) 當仁不讓dong1 jan4 bat1 joeng6
    (Eng.) to take responsibility for an honourable task

See also: 以資 擔任 充當 承辦 承 承接 承諾 面對
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: dong3
Part of Speech: verb
  • to consider; to treat as; to think of
    (Cant.) nei5jau5mou5dong3ngo5hai6pang4jau5aa3
    (Eng.) Have you ever considered me to be your friend?
    (Cant.) nei5m4hou2gong2zo2dong3zou6zo2wo3
    (Eng.) Don't just offer lip service.
    (Cant.) ngo5dong3nei5hai6hing1dai6nei5dong3ngo5hai6kai3dai6
    (Eng.) I take you as a brother but you take me as a bastard.

  • to pawn an item; to leave something with a pawnbroker as a pledge
    (Cant.) ni1go3po4po2wai6zo2cam4can1dong3zo2keoi5maa4maa1lam4sei2cin4lau4bei2keoi5deoi3sau2ngaak2sin1jau5cin2hai2bou3zi2lok6gwong2gou3
    (Eng.) In trying to seek out her lost relatives, this old lady pawned the bracelet form her late mother, so as to afford an ad in the newspaper.

See also: 眼看 認為 看 視作 當做 諗起 掛念 思 典當
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: dong1
Part of Speech: conjunction
when; while; just at
(Cant.) dong1hak1sik1bou6jyu5ging2gou3seon3hou6faat3ceot1ge3si4hau6si5man4jing1goi1lau4hai2on1cyun4ge3dei6fong1zaam6bei6
(Eng.) When the black rainstorm signal is issued, people should take shelter in a safe place.
(Cant.) dong1ngo5dak1saam1seoi3ge3si4hau6ngo5aa3baa4aa3maa1ji5ging1lei4zo2fan1
(Eng.) When I was only three, my parents were already divorced.
Synonym: Synonym: 正當
See also: 之際 正當
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: dong1
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Mandarin
should; ought to
(Chi.) sing3ging1soeng6syut3nei5mun4dong1fui3goi2seon3fuk1jam1
(Cant.) sing3ging1soeng6min6waa6nei5dei6jing1dong1fui3goi2seon3fuk1jam1
(Eng.) "Repent ye, and believe the gospel." says the Bible.
See also: 應該
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #5
Pronunciation: dong3
Part of Speech: morpheme
suitable; just
(Cant.) 不當bat1 dong3
(Eng.) improper
(Cant.) 失當sat1 dong3
(Eng.) inappropiate
(Cant.) 正當zing3 dong3
(Eng.) proper
(Cant.) 適當sik1 dong3
(Eng.) appropiate
(Cant.) 妥當to5 dong3
(Eng.) proper
(Cant.) 恰當hap1 dong3
(Eng.) suitable
See also: 恰當 適宜 適當 咋喎 剛 僅僅 才 只是
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