
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caa1 bit6
Character Meaning:
inferior; messenger; difference; bad; lower than average; poor; government duty; to lack; to miss out
do not; other; to separate; to part; difference; distinction; to distinguish; to distinct; (imperative) do not; don't; fastened
Part of Speech: noun
difference; disparity; the unique things of each (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) ni1loeng5bun2ci4din2jau5hou2daai6ge3caa1bit6
(Eng.) There are lots of differences between these two dictionaries.
(Cant.) jing1sik1tung4mei5sik1jing1man2ge3caa1bit6
(Eng.) the difference between British and American Englishes
Synonym: Synonym: 分別 差異
See also: 差距 出入 區別 不一 懸殊 分別 分野 區別 天壤之別 天淵之別 差異 差距 截然不同 相差無幾 關連 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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